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Hello. I just installed the router using the directions that came with it. Now that the router and wires are plugged in I need assistance getting it started...anybody available to assist? I'm not a total noob when it comes to networking...

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Can I upgrade the firmware through my Xbox one or will I need to download it on a computer and upgrade it though a thumb drive?

all on your PC or Mac in Browser (you dont need xbox for now)

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when you have upgraded please select congestion control and select as Algorithm > Preemptive


down below in Device Prioritisation  select the reset distribution set download cap  + upload cap 100% for now

enable Share excess


disable IPv6 in WAN / LAN & Miscellaneous Settings (i think you dont have ipv6 *hope*)

(now you can run Internet Diagnosis again if you want)


check also NETDUMA YT /   http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg8VZdKv7LPiURvtY7xTYxw




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