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Can't get mic to work

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Thats a bit strange, my immediate thought would be you muted the mic or unplugged the microphone. Typically if you can hear someone that means the connection is working

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If you can here them then I highly doubt that this is the Netduma. :)


It might sound really obvious but is there any chance that is is muted?


Which console are you on and what headset do you have?

No its not muted. Ps4. I can also hear everyone in lobbies but they can't hear me.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Yes you should definately put it in the DMZ of the other router. So go to "Device Manager" at the top of the page you'll see "WAN IP". Note down the IP from there. Then go to the other router and put that IP in its DMZ section.

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Yes you should definately put it in the DMZ of the other router. So go to "Device Manager" at the top of the page you'll see "WAN IP". Note down the IP from there. Then go to the other router and put that IP in its DMZ section.

I don't have a dmz section in my netgear r7000 router. Also netduma is directly plugged into modem and everything else including my netgear is plugged into that.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

I'm off to bed now mate, its like 2am. Hopefully someone else can help before I wake. Perhaps abc as I think he had that router.


If you have 


Modem > R1 > r7000 > Console


Then its quite tricky you may need to add port forwarding on the R1 & the R7000. I recommend connecting the console directly to the R1.

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I'm off to bed now mate, its like 2am. Hopefully someone else can help before I wake. Perhaps abc as I think he had that router.


If you have 


Modem > R1 > r7000 > Console


Then its quite tricky you may need to add port forwarding on the R1 & the R7000. I recommend connecting the console directly to the R1.

Console is directly connected to the R1. R1 is the main router everything is plugged into it.

Sorry I will let you sleep and see if abc is still around

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Honestly this is my very first post. I don't even have my R1 yet, just anxiously awaiting it's arrival but I have a minor in computer information systems from the University of Louisville and I recently purchased a new headset for my PS4. Can you tell me what brand of headset you ordered?

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Honestly this is my very first post. I don't even have my R1 yet, just anxiously awaiting it's arrival but I have a minor in computer information systems from the University of Louisville and I recently purchased a new headset for my PS4. Can you tell me what brand of headset you ordered?

turtle beach p12

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turtle beach p12

Have you checked to make sure the the headphone are completely pushed into the other cord that connects the USB to playstation? This would cause you to be able to hear and not chat if it were not completly pushed in.

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Conflicting nat type's ? I have partied up with 2 friends,2 of us were open and 1 was strict.For some reason i could hear both of them and they could hear me (i was party leader) the other guy with open could hear the guy with strict but the guy with strict couldn't hear him.And that was on PS3,we tried backing out and resending invites but just didn't work.I'm not saying that's your issue but it's happend with me

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