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I am starting a new post because my last thread had a few bad bugs. 



Since BO3 has been release I haven't heard any news on the new update that was maybe going to drop in 3 weeks again depending on BETA testing. 


So CROSSY this is me asking about the update, maybe the .. …. was  little much for you.



If we do a timeline, 3 months ago an update was mentioned. It was also stated that it would be released in 3 weeks depending on beta testing. Again we are on beta testing 3 months later and still no update. A beta gets mentioned and gets peoples hopes up.


Looks like the Troll is back.

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How about its done when its done?


No updates posted and therefore no broken hopes / forecast dates. I told Iain just after launch not to be drawn into posting any dates ever, as we end up with these lovely posts :)

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It's estimated at around 3 weeks until release, this is of course subject to change depending on any delays/tests.


How about its done when its done?

No updates posted and therefore no broken hopes / forecast dates. I told Iain just after launch not to be drawn into posting any dates ever, as we end up with these lovely posts :)


HMM  would this be considered FALSE HOPE? Again this is the same statement thats has been said for the past 3 months. So yes that is considered false hope. Maybe people should stop quoting 3 weeks. Its been like that for 3 months. Maybe thats what they meant. I am unable to find my original post talking about the same thing 3 months ago. It was even mentioned on twitter. Yes it is subject to change! But still quoting 3 weeks? Come on "Buds" get educated.

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In the end I am not the one who looks bad, the netduma people do. YES FALSE hope, why do you think so many other people have complained? Unlike them who want to return there product I am happy with mine. I am just tired of people quoting 3 weeks.


I wastent even trying to go here. I started my post off with PLEASE UP DATE. Customer support is great but false hope burned a lot of people. Most of those people didn't even stick around, I am reading more and more posts of people asking to return the Router.

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  • Netduma Staff

I am reading more and more posts of people asking to return the Router.


  1. If the ratio of happy people to "I want to return my router" people is 50:1 (made up figure), then as more people buy the router you'll see more people unhappy who perhaps are wanting to return the router.
  2. This is a support forum so you're much more likely to see people who are unhappy here who might want to return the router than people who are happy with it. That is mainly because if they haven't had a problem with their router, they might not even come across the forum, whereas someone who has, will have come looking for help and found this.
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  1. If the ratio of happy people to "I want to return my router" people is 50:1 (made up figure), then as more people buy the router you'll see more people unhappy and perhaps wanting to return the router.
  2. This is a support forum so you're much more likely to see people who are unhappy here who might want to return the router than people who are happy with it. That is mainly because if they haven't had a problem with their router, they might not even come across the forum.


1.This forums main purpose is not just support. It is also has many sub categories, hopefully these forums evolve into a bigger community and these sub categories are utilized.


2. Also I posted this in the "Off Topic/General" sub category not the "SUPPORT" thread. 


3. People who buy this router come across these forums. In fact probably 95% of the people who buy the router probably come here first before buying to get reviews. Maybe this is a quality review. "



"You hit that Nerve" young one.

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  • Netduma Staff

This forums main purpose is not just support. It is also has many sub categories, hopefully these forums evolve into a bigger community and these sub categories are utilized.


Also I posted this in the "Off Topic/General" sub category not the "SUPPORT" thread.


Yep, this is a support forum. It serves many other purposes, and it has evolved into an even better thing. But you have to remember, that the reason this forum existed in the first place was so members could get help. But I think you've missed the point of my post - it was to respond to your comment about more people wanting to return the router.

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Can someone please block trolling or just suspend him. He writes useless comments/threads, acts like a troll (hence the name) and just generally is not welcome. You bought the router for the features it originally had and any updates are a FREE bonus

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Bought the router for its potential. Updates are improvements and not bonuses. I understand where he is coming from. I have been asking for simple updates that really need to happen sooner than later.


However I know Iain is working on some sick ass shit that takes time to test and then implement and that is more than understandable.


What would be nice is to get some of these micro updates more often with these larger game changing things happening over longer stretches.


I don't think he is trolling at all but making a legitimate complaint. The difference here is netduma isn't cisco, thank god, so while there is so much potential for greatness, it's slower to come about with only Iain working on it. I even mentioned in another thread would be great if they could have another person taking care of the small stuff while Iain worked on the mind blowing stuff, but apparently that is easier suggested than implemented.

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By the way, I have never come across a company like netduma and while I get frustrated at these small things I am patiently waiting for I am quite happy being a part of this netduma experience. I even have my wife on me about it constantly... So that shows my commitment to their company.

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Can someone please block trolling or just suspend him. He writes useless comments/threads, acts like a troll (hence the name) and just generally is not welcome. You bought the router for the features it originally had and any updates are a FREE bonus

press down arrow next to your name, select manage ignore preferences, add name to list. :)

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Bought the router for its potential. Updates are improvements and not bonuses. I understand where he is coming from. I have been asking for simple updates that really need to happen sooner than later.


However I know Iain is working on some sick ass shit that takes time to test and then implement and that is more than understandable.


What would be nice is to get some of these micro updates more often with these larger game changing things happening over longer stretches.


I don't think he is trolling at all but making a legitimate complaint. The difference here is netduma isn't cisco, thank god, so while there is so much potential for greatness, it's slower to come about with only Iain working on it. I even mentioned in another thread would be great if they could have another person taking care of the small stuff while Iain worked on the mind blowing stuff, but apparently that is easier suggested than implemented.

In other threads I have also mentioned break the update up. Who care about a game changing update, the simple fixes are what the people want now. Just because I am the only one on these forums willing to EXPRESS myself. People might want to call me a Troll or whatever but look at my post history. Really do you consider me a Troll? I just like the name for myself. 


I am not scared of expression but other people don't seem to have an opinion or can't come up with one themselves.


Honestly all the people who hate on me, my question is why? Why do you hate me if the truth is the truth?


So yeahs all my posts today are LEGIT and CROSSY who wants to post in my threads "Did I hit a NERVE" is not how an administrator should act. Buck has my respect 100 times over. Crossy you are a disrespectful admin and you need to clean up your act. I have had multiple people private msg me talking about how disrespectful you are. People should stop private msg me and express themselves. 

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By the way, I have never come across a company like netduma and while I get frustrated at these small things I am patiently waiting for I am quite happy being a part of this netduma experience. I even have my wife on me about it constantly... So that shows my commitment to their company.

I agree netduma is a company like no other, it just annoys me when people like trolling_farm have 0 patience for a company that is very small, only has a few employees and even then the employees dedicate their whole lives to the company from what I can see. My point about updates being a bonus was based on the fact that no where under features or on the sales page does it say features will be constantly added, and game support is obvious but however nice extra features are i already got my moneys worth and anything else is awesome

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I agree netduma is a company like no other, it just annoys me when people like trolling_farm have 0 patience for a company that is very small, only has a few employees and even then the employees dedicate their whole lives to the company from what I can see. My point about updates being a bonus was based on the fact that no where under features or on the sales page does it say features will be constantly added, and game support is obvious but however nice extra features are i already got my moneys worth and anything else is awesome

You want to talk about 0 patience? Again look at my POST history and see how many times I have asked for an update. Not that much at all compared to people. The only time I posted about the update was when 3 weeks was UP and it was mentioned in twitter and on here. Then it got pushed back so I WAITED and never said anything. Now another 3 week got mentioned and we are 3 months into it. 


DUDE I have some choice words for you but do I have to watch myself. Please be real, I understand nothing on the sales site says anything about updates but when THE creators mention an update well there better damn be an update soon or don't mention it at ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL or don't mention it multiple times.

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  • Netduma Staff

So yeahs all my posts today are LEGIT and CROSSY who wants to post in my threads "Did I hit a NERVE" is not how an administrator should act. Buck has my respect 100 times over. Crossy you are a disrespectful admin and you need to clean up your act. I have had multiple people private msg me talking about how disrespectful you are. People should stop private msg me and express themselves. 


If someone has a problem with me then they're PMing the wrong person. If you're gunna bitch behind me my back (although I reckon he's making it up) then that person should be telling me and not you.

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trolling make a bold statement yourself then rather than accusations, screenshot these messages and prove it, I have 100% respect for crossy and i trust him as an admin


I am not going to put people out there like that. If they want to say something they can. I even posted in my thread that they should just post there thoughts themselves.


I will post my thoughts.

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Don't speak your mind in this forum, it's not welcomed. You must be 100% sheep and abide by the rules or else the illuminati will come after you. 

Here is a nice quote from someone. Other people do feel this way. I promise, I speak the truth on here and always have. Crossy your opinion is negative.


If someone has a problem with me then they're PMing the wrong person. If you're gunna bitch behind me my back (although I reckon he's making it up) then that person should be telling me and not you.

People don't like you why would they PM you?

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How old are you, Trolling_Farm (as if I have to ask given your obvious user name)?


You're acting like an entitled little bitch because things aren't happening when you want them to. Give me a break.


This is one of the best products and post-customer support I have ever had the privilege to buy and be a part of. If this company grows and goes public, I will invest heavily in it because not only do I believe in the product, but I believe in innovation and freedom of choice... Something the Netduma gives gamers Sony and MS have been denying for years: A better online gaming experience.


It's funny, you're making these accusations that the forums are flooded with people "demanding" a new update... Yet where is the proof? I'll tell you. It doesn't exist.


I have been happy with the R1 since I bought it four months ago. It has fulfilled its primary function and I will continue to use it as more games are supported. Anything Ian, Fraser and the rest of the staff give us is a BONUS that is also FREE OF CHARGE. So, you have no right to demand anything... Especially when you make up accusations to support your selfish and impatient needs. 

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How old are you, Trolling_Farm (as if I have to ask given your obvious user name)?


You're acting like an entitled little bitch because things aren't happening when you want them to. Give me a break.


This is one of the best products and post-customer support I have ever had the privilege to buy and be a part of. If this company grows and goes public, I will invest heavily in it because not only do I believe in the product, but I believe in innovation and freedom of choice... Something the Netduma gives gamers Sony and MS have been denying for years: A better online gaming experience.


It's funny, you're making these accusations that the forums are flooded with people "demanding" a new update... Yet where is the proof? I'll tell you. It doesn't exist.


I have been happy with the R1 since I bought it four months ago. It has fulfilled its primary function and I will continue to use it as more games are supported. Anything Ian, Fraser and the rest of the staff give us is a BONUS that is also FREE OF CHARGE. So, you have no right to demand anything... Especially when you make up accusations to support your selfish and impatient needs. 



Stop reading half a post.

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If someone has a problem with me then they're PMing the wrong person. If you're gunna bitch behind me my back (although I reckon he's making it up) then that person should be telling me and not you.

well said crossy, the irony is trolling is saying he is the only one being honest and not "scared" (btw its a forum why would u be scared, the whole idea is everyone is open) yet he is making accusations with no evidence

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