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BO3 broke my geo filter


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Your GF is fine bro ,it's the beta.If you throw in something else it will go back to working as usual,it's just a rough game right now

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Crossy its not that my filter is too small its that I'm connecting to servers outside of my filter and when I back out I get the 0 of 50 which freezes the multiplayer. I have to completely power it off and start again. This does not happen when filter is off. I am also almost directly over a dedi where the filter is set now.

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Crossy its not that my filter is too small its that I'm connecting to servers outside of my filter and when I back out I get the 0 of 50 which freezes the multiplayer. I have to completely power it off and start again. This does not happen when filter is off. I am also almost directly over a dedi where the filter is set now.

I'm sure the algorithms have changed, which could be the cause of all this.

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  • Netduma Staff

Crossy its not that my filter is too small its that I'm connecting to servers outside of my filter and when I back out I get the 0 of 50 which freezes the multiplayer. I have to completely power it off and start again. This does not happen when filter is off. I am also almost directly over a dedi where the filter is set now.


Oh, I see. I think Dali is right - that was anti-cheat. Back out, wait 2 mins and see if you connect to that host. But try enlarging your GeoFilter because it isn't recommended to have it that small.

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  • Netduma Staff

yes....but if i back out to lets say create a class, i cant search for a game again until i completely turn off the console and then i can find a game.  this does not happen with the geo filter off


Oh, I see. Can you check to make sure that isn't happening with the GeoFilter off because that has happened to me without the GeoFilter enabled at all and also to friends who don't own a Netduma.


But even if it is the GeoFilter, I think you'll have to wait until release as Netduma have said they won't support the beta :)

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