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Wrong setup?

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Hi guys, I've had my netduma for quite a while now and I'm starting to wonder if I've ever had it set up correctly?

A month or so ago there was an update on Advanced Warfare of around 5GB, connected to my netduma my PS4 took 11hours to download it.

Now, tonight the BO3 Beta has arrived and I started to download it (again, connected to the netduma) and it had 30hours download time! I know it often starts high and goes down after a while, but after 30mins it had only dropped to 29hours.

I swapped the Ethernet cable over to my Sky Broadband router and it dropped from 29hours to 44mins!

I have my netduma connected via the Ethernet cable to the sky router. I have speeds of 30down and 10up so I have my Algorithm set to Preemptive. I've tested speeds many times to ensure there correct. I have both my download and upload cap set to 76%. Although I have 17 devices connected to the router I have my congestion control set to 31 for my PS4, 7 devices set at 0, and no other device is higher than 14. I have 'Share excess' ticked. Only 2 devices are connected via Ethernet cable (1 being my PS4) everything else is wireless.

Under the Device Manager menu I have the blue box with this message ***'We have detected you are connected to another router (as opposed to a modem).

In most cases the Netduma R1 circumvents this, however, if a game detects closed NAT you may need to enable modem mode or DMZ. Click here for more information.'***

I've never known what to do with this part so I have never touched it as I have an open nat type.

I'm not sure if I should be using my Sky Broadband router? Should I only be using the Netduma? I'm honestly a comeplete technical noob and don't have a clue! 

Just recently I've been getting kicked from lots of games of destiny, and I'm pretty sure it's due to my poor internet quality while using the netduma?

It's getting that frustrating I'm debating not using the netduma with my console and connecting it back to my sky router, while I then use the netduma to reduce the internet outgoing to my other devices so I still get the benefit!

If anybody could help it'd be much appreciated as I really hate the fact it takes me so long to download or update anything on my PS4!

Thanks in advance!

DogginRocks :)

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Hello there have you tried to follow up these link




Now are you sure you are on the latest firmware 1.3.04?


And finally while downlading via net duma its recomended to set the download sliders up to 100 % to get the full speed.


Just a thing to note the dedications applys to only upoad speeds.


Hm i had done some testing my self on that previous update and i knew for fact that it was pre caped to about 1.2 mb. I had read also about this beat files to be pre caped to about 2.0

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When it comes down to destiny its whole cloud update done last week i think so make sure you had a auto cloud and bleeding egde and make sure you click apply


As well as here so useful stuf regarding destiny



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Hey Doggin, 


I don't think this is a problem with the R1 per se, it seems that most people experience a huge download time, so they pause the download then start it again and it shoots way down to like 44minutes which is what you experienced. By changing to the Sky router you essentially started and stopped the download achieving the same effect as pausing it when using the duma. 


The box on the device manager is nothing to worry about, it just says you're connected to a router which you are :)


For congestion control everything has to go through the duma for it to work correctly :)


Destiny ensure strict mode is off on the Geo-filter and in settings > miscellaneous have auto/bleeding edge both ticked and apply. If already ticked click apply anyway. 


Lukasz links should help you get set up properly :)

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