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New R3 problems (upgraded from XR500)

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I went ahead and bought the new R3 but it seems I’m having worse wireless speeds (to my devices) and worse hit detection and lag in games (on PC) than my previous XR500 router. I’ve tried it for about a week, made sure I set it right etc, but maybe I need to tweak it a certain way? I’ve tried the steady ping, but it reminds me of the early “bufferbloat” issues the XR500 had when it first came out. When using it, gameplay seemed worse, and having it off it seemingly worked much better. My bufferbloat score did improve quite a bit since buying this router. So far, this is the only thing that is positive at the moment since purchasing this router. Any help would be appreciated to optimize this to get better results. Thanks!

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  • What is the model of the modem/router the R3 is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the R3? E.g R3 in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode
  • Are ALL devices connected to the R3?
  • What are the speeds you pay for/receive? 
  • Have you entered those speeds into the router?
  • How have you setup Congestion Control?
  • How have you setup SmartBOOST?
  • What game are you playing?
  • What platform are you playing on and how is it connected, via ethernet or WiFi?
  • How have you setup the Geo-Filter?
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Netgear CM2000 Modem. (It is plugged up the same way as my XR500 was..no bridge mode or anything. Is there settings I need to change inside the Modem?)

Yes, All devices are connected to the R3. 
I pay for 1200 mbps Down and 40 Up. My speeds are pretty much the same as my on my previous XR500. (942 down, 42 up) But I would like to mention, when I connect directly into the modem, my speeds are around 1270-1300 down and 50-60 up! This is ran consistently with multiple speed tests.

I ran the optimized test at the setup process and it showed 942 down 42 up.

I set up congestion control. Didn’t make a significant difference to ping. (I think XR500 had a better outcome)

Not sure how to set up smart boost. I read the instructions in the setup process and set it based on what it says for gaming.

Call of Duty MWIII

Playing on PC but set my device as a console. (PlayStation) I think I saw somewhere on YouTube someone mentioned the R3 works better set as console rather than as a PC. Said it needs more work. But I may try it anyway..at the moment it’s set as a console. It is connected via Ethernet cable. (CAT8) Geo-filter is set up and added as a console.


**Even as I wrote this, my phone is buffering and experiencing intermittent issues both on this site, and buffering on YouTube.**


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You can ignore the modem question then thanks, nothing you need to set on that.

Set the speeds to 1000/40 and I'd suggest testing with downloads while following: https://support.netduma.com/frequently-asked-questions/legacyfaqs/test-your-ping/ start with a high value e.g 95%, test, decrease 10%, test, decrease 10% etc, until you get to a value that is pretty good, then try 5% either side of that value to see if it can be improved. Important to note that Download/Upload on CC don't have to be the same value & you may have a better experience with differing values. This is more of a real world test.

What is the average ping you're seeing on the game/on the Geo-Filter?

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21 minutes ago, DARKNESS said:

@KahariHave you tried running the XR500 in AP mode? 

I no longer have the XR500, I only have the R3 now. But no I don’t believe I had it in AP mode.

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I’m trying to factory reset my router, but it doesn’t seem to be doing it. Keeps going back to how it was already set up. Tried pushing the reset for 30 sec but it’s not back to factory settings.

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Yes that worked. Ping plotter is still all over the place and not stable though. On the waveform bufferbloat test I got an A+.  What ip address should I ping to ping plotter?

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You should use a local website ideally e.g. a news site. Using something like Google is all well and good if you have a good stable connection to it initially

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