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SmartBoost Gaming vs Call of Duty (Series)

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Is it better to prioritize categories or specific services or both.  Initially I would only prioritize gaming but if there are multiple gamers in your home how does the R3 know which to prioritize.  Maybe I am overthinking.  As of right now I have Gaming priortized and Call of Duty Series prioritize above it.  

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I put both, categories and services, but also I give priority to gaming peripherals!

By putting mine as Top priority hehe!


In any case, I leave  Keep the gaming category, because as soon as a game stream is detected the RGB flashes yellow/orange/red... A good parental control when children are supposed to do their homework 😅


edit : LoL translation error 😁

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You could do both as well as prioritize a device as they will work in conjunction with each other. It'll prioritize based on the traffic it sees first in that sense. So if you don't want that to happen then better to pick specific applications/services.

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