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Wait times


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All of these servers within my radius and I’ve been waiting for 25+ minutes for it to connect multiple times….I’ve tried syncing cloud, removing/adding device multiple times…

I ve had this router for almost a year and it is so unreliable, I lose internet probably 3-4 times a week which requires a reboot every single time, wifi range is awful no matter how you have the bands configured, no one can ever join my Xbox chat lobbies until I remove the geo filter settings even though I approve them to connect to me.

Probably going back to my ISP stock router/modem in the near future 


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It's not always necessarily a router issue - they are all allowed to make a connection there as you can see so there is no reason for you not to get into a game that is immediately obvious. If you disable filtering but so you can still see the servers do you get a game faster? If so, is there anything that was blocked on the map that is now allowed? Make sure you zoom out to be sure you're not missing anything.

Are you on the latest Early Access version? Have you found the least congested WiFi channel and experimented with the widths? Peoples IPs can change so although you may have added them the day before for example, the next day it may have changed and you'll need to add them again - there is no way to counteract that really, it's just the nature of networking. Geo-Latency would mean you don't need to add them but there is also the chance of getting a server outside your radius.

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1 hour ago, Derek2626 said:

My router says my firmware is up to date, but i dont believe i have the early access update

Early Access you have to manually update, it's pinned to the top of this sub forum: https://forum.netduma.com/forum/151-netduma-r3-early-access/ 

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51 minutes ago, Derek2626 said:

Also, why cant i lower my congestion control lower than 50%....sometimes i have better luck with throttling my xbox speeds lower for warzone

That'll be an option in one of the next versions

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