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Rolled back to early versions. Factory Reset. Cannot pass T&C Page


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I cannot get pass terms and conditions page since I cannot scroll down to continue. 


I have been trying to fix the disconnection issue. I have reinstalled the .41 version and perform factory reset. Everything went well until I have to agree and continue on the Terms and Conditions page. 

nothing I can do to scroll it down. 
- I have tried using incognito mode

- I cant use my phone since I won’t let me connect through wifi. 

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This is why it's not a great idea to go to such an old version as there are sometimes big issues that needed to be resolved. 

Right click the page, then go to Inspect (Element), on the window that appears click on the Console tab. Then paste and enter this command:

await duma.RPCHandler.PostRPC({rapp: "com.netdumasoftware.config", method: "get_time_zone", params: []})

see if that allows you to get past the Setup Wizard.

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I had this issue was a nightmare whoever made that firmware screwed it up bad lol .. How they put a select option behind where you cant select it or click on it is crazy and it just got left like that not been resolved yet weather its older firmware or not users still use older firmwares as newer ones or not stable or are worse then older ones its unacceptable and very poor service ... 99% Of firmwares are bugged or dont work when i first got my R3 firmware was fine worked correctly till something was done netdumas side then its messed everything up on all firmwares till this day not found a stable firmware yet that fully works as intended ...

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