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playstation and xbox not showing up on smart boost


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2 minutes ago, jame0174 said:

I also just noticed if i go to geofilter the smartboost goes back to activities instead of staying on devices

That's normal behavior to add your gaming activity is only going to show up active if your on a match not sitting on lobby.

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yes but if i go and click on the geofilter or any other rapp  or app  i come back to smartboost its on activities and not left on devices where i left it.Sorry if i'm confusion  you.

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As above it defaults to the activities view but they'll be working together at the same time. Was that screenshot when you were actually playing? Could you check the IP on the consoles themselves then go to the Device Manager on the router and check the devices you think they are, do the IPs match?

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But why does it come up as unknown for when i'm online playing.Should it not say im playing an online game so prioritise it .i'm sorry  for not understanding it.

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