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I Want to buy a (Router? Modem?) off of NetDuma but am unsure if My current Internet setup Is Compatible

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  • Well when it comes to controlling what servers your connected to geofilter is primarily the best option there are some alternatives but only on PC and there not that great or give you much control from what I know. 
  • I'd say when it comes to wifi range netduma won't meet your demands if you expect it to be on a large household so the best option would be a mesh system.
  • For network optimization you just have to try it and see if it works for you as everyone has a different experience on my end it does the job however you need to tinker manually to get the best optimization as every other router but it more or less automated for convenience for those that aren't too tech savvy.
  • To note if you were to set it up I would have it as the primary router but if your just using it for the geofilter then sure you can set it up as a switch.

Note I am not affiliated by netduma I am just a consumer the admin will elaborate when he gets on which I believe is tomorrow.


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