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In Game Latency Does Not Match Net Duma's Latency


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Hello - I saw a similar post on this forum, but I thought i'd create a new one based on my experience.

I have a net duma R3 router that's running on the latest firmware (see the first picture). The router is connected to my PS5 and a small PC, where I can visually see how Duma OS is handling the geo-filtering.

I only play COD MW3 on my PS5.

In the second picture, you'll notice that closest server to me is the one in Salt Lake City, and that's where I currently live. My latency to the MW3 Salt Lake City server is only (3 ms). The second-best servers to me are the ones in LA, yet they don't even show up when I run the ping heatmap.

The third picture shows the actual issue that I started this new topic for; it shows that my ps5 was connected to an LA server, and for some reason, Net Duma thinks that my latency to the LA server is (2 ms), and that's physically impossible. My in-game latency as shown on the picture and as measured by my PS5 is (15 ms), which is more realistic and accurate.

The fourth pictures is just another example.

This happens with all servers that I connect to (including Texas, Washington, Oklahoma, etc) where Net Duma thinks that my latency to these servers is (1 ms) or (2 ms).

This issue has been on going ever since I got my Net Duma R3. 

Any ideas as to why that's happening, and how to fix it? 

Please note that the geofilter connects me to the LA servers 9 times out of 10, and rarely connects me to the Salt Lake City Server. It (Net Duma Router) thinks that I am closer to LA than to Salt Lake City, yet the Ping Heatmap proves otherwise.

Can you please help fix this issue?

Thank you!






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It's probably unable to ping the server properly and providing the closest ping response, can you provide the ID for the server from the Geo-Filter please? Looks like it's a good ping in game though!

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Sorry it took me this long to get back to you. Here are a couple of server ID's for you (attached).

Do you think it is a firmware issue, or do you think that my Net Duma R3 is defective? 

Thank you!



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Thanks, I'll pass those IDs onto the team to take a look. No it's not that extreme, game servers if you ping them directly will not respond to your ping. We try to be clever so it will respond to our ping but in some cases it may not be able to ping at all. The Geo-Filter is still working getting you a game within your radius, it's just not able to detect the ping properly.

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Much appreciated! 

There is one more thing that I did not clearly state in my posts earlier, and that is the geo-filter works well often, but it also doesn't some other times. Here is a couple of examples:

You can clearly see how I set my geo-filter fence in some of the pictures that I attached previously; however, I sometimes get connected to servers on the east coast (e.g. Georgia & Philadelphia).

Any ideas as to why that happens? FYI, I usually just back out whenever this happens.

Thank you! 

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  • Disable GeoLatency
  • Disable PingAssist (set it to 0,0)
  • Enable Strict Mode
  • Disable Fast Search
  • Use Simple instead of custom for the radius

Then restart game or wait 10 minutes (in the lobby in the game). If that doesn't work, reboot PC/Console and it should work then.

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Thank you!! Those settings helped me fix one of the issues. 

FYI, I’ve attached a couple more pictures that show how the latency is inaccurately being measured/displayed by the Net Duma router. 

I took those pictures before I applied the settings that you listed in your previous reply. 



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