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High latency Xbox Series X


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Hi all,

im looking for some help with my new router. I’ve set my geo filter to not connect outside of the UK, in Call of duty I have 15ms ping but when I do a speed test in the settings of my Xbox I have a latency of 160+ MS. I have 700 down and 69 upload.

Every couple of seconds in game it skips like a lag which I’m used to if playing on out of region servers. Any help on how to lower the latency would be much appreciated 😊.

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The latency shown in the console network settings will be to an authentication server, as you have seen it doesn't have an impact on your actual game ping. What is the model of the modem/router the R2 is connected to and how have you set that to ensure all traffic flows to the R2? E.g. R2 in its DMZ, modem/bridge mode

Are ALL devices connected to the R2? How have you setup Congestion Control and the Geo-Filter?

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Hi Fraser 

it’s connected to an EE smart hub. I’ve not got round to connecting every device to the netduma just yet. I have set the DMZ earlier and that helped me have an open NAT type and get rid of my double NAT issue. I haven’t touched the congestion control and my geo filter is set around the UK and ping assist set to 0 as I found that if I had my ping assist set to anything it would place me in out of UK lobbies on games. 

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