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Netduma R3 Geo filter 2.0 issue

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So I've been using the netduma R3 for some days and I've also updated to the latest firmware which I believe is 4.0.41 and when I launch my game (Fortnite) it does scan and show the servers but I made the geo filter circle only cover a certain spot of servers in the UK which is where I am located however, I still get put in servers that are not in the circle (Germany and France) and I'm not sure why. Have I configured something incorrectly or is geo filter just not working as it should? 

Thank you!

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The suggestions below should help if you are continuing to connect to servers outside of your radius. 
* Disable GeoLatency
* Disable PingAssist (set it to 0,0)
* Enable Strict Mode
* Disable Fast Search
Then restart the game if that doesn't work, reboot PC/Console and check again.

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Fortnite is one of those games where it is difficult to force, do a factory reset as that should help make .41 more effective. The only way you'll be able to filter it is with Geo-Latency enabled, it won't work with it disabled, make sure the other settings above are done and see if it is any better.

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3 hours ago, Cynical said:


I tried the simple mode and it still does the same thing I keep getting put in servers outside the circle unfortunately

Did you make sure to restart the game and wait after making the change as mentioned in the first reply? 

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Yes I did restart game but it still has the same issue, I've also noticed in the ping heatmap the servers I actually get put on are not displayed on there. On the xr1000 it did show me those servers on the heatmap not sure why it's missing on the R3

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Yes the in game region is matching where I'm searching well it says Europe and another option says auto I've tried both of them but it's the same issue. 


The only servers I have in my allow list are the London ones. I'm slowly denying any Germany or France ones that I get put on. However I have a theory which is, if I somehow manage to slowly block all Germany and France servers the game will have no choice but to put me on London servers?


And for the servers that seem to be missing are the London ones on the ping heatmap

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I mean yes in theory that would happen, however there could be thousands of servers, especially given the population of Fortnite, millions of players at any one time, I don't think that would be feasible. Could you disable Steady Ping please and then see if it works better?

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I have disabled steady ping but the issue remains but one thing I have noticed is when I'm playing solos i only get the London servers 20-30% but as soon as I duo with a friend I'm getting the London servers about 70% of the time 

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I'm having the exact same issue. I thought updating firmware would fix it but it doesn't. It's like it doesn't even matter if I put a geo fence because it still connects to servers that I don't want it to connect. I had issues with my Netduma R2 and geo fencing thought R3 would at least be better but sadly nope. I did however manage to connect to the servers I wanted but that only lasted a day. I tried all the suggestions here on the forms and still nothing works. Factory reset the R3 four times now turned off pc so many times waiting countless 10 minutes in game lobby and nothing. 

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