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XR 500 - Poor benchmarks

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I am trying to troubleshoot the reason why I have poor scores on my benchmarks through the XR500 portal. I have linked a photo of my scores (img. 1).  My "Speed" and "Ping Under load" scores are D, but my score for "Ping" is A+. Im am unsure why my scores are so low as I am connected by Ethernet and have drivers updated fully. 
My speed from Speedtest.net shows around 800-900mbps, but on the benchmark, it shows around 300mbps. (img. 2)


I'd also like to add that, while I was using the installation wizard from Dumas, it performed a speed test and said my maximum speed is around 800-900 as well, but it is testing 300mbps on the benchmark.


Does anyone have any settings I can change or a way to possibly troubleshoot this? I am not sure if it is on my end or the ISP's end.


Thank you!



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Connection Benchmark uses different servers so they can show lower results but it doesn't mean it's limiting you as you've seen, otherwise speedtest.net would be similarly low. What results do you get on the waveform test? https://www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloat

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Here are my results. I have searched this forum about inproving buffer bloat and I adjusted my CC settings and I found that 93% for both download and upload give me the best results (which I have posted below). However, it still says that low latency gaming is still a problem. How can I fix that? Any settings I can tweak?

FYI: My hardware: CM1200 and XR500

Thank you!



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I've tested all the %s for the upload and it seems as though it does not affect my "Active Upload" number. All values above 60% ranges from 19-21. Any ideas? Also, back to my original question, do you have any solutions/ settings I can tweak to fix the "ping under load"?

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Hi. I am unfamiliar with ABB. What is ABB and how do I get to it on Duma?


*Edit: I just found out what it is. And yes, my ABB (Congestion control) is on always

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Are you using PPPoE/VLAN or DHCP identifiers at all? As Benchmark uses different servers and you're not getting good results to them I think it would be best to use this third party test for the moment but the process is the same, adjusting Congestion Control.

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