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Can anyone explain this...

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...the desktop upstairs is on wifi and the wife is just coming off a 4 day 15 hr a day shift.And she got on it this morning and said it was loading really slow.I don't use her desktop cuz it has all her school work and papers on it,so i didn't notice it.I ran a speedtest and i got 1.5 d /4.5 u,it normally has 60-65 d /4.5 u any ideas.The other devices are fine i.e. my laptop,phones and ps3's just her desktop.I re set congestion control too 100 and re distributed bandwith.It won't watch a youtube vid without buffering every 3 sec,any ideas.


I'm on .7 but i don't think that has much to do with it do to the fact that everything else is good.And i'm on mac not windows

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This is likely due to signal strength, you have the ceiling and likely walls between the router and the computer, how many bars are you getting and when you click on wifi hold down alt...


this will give you more information post a screenshot of that information, i imagine you are getting these low speeds because you are near the edge of the wireless network.

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@ abc i had those speeds upstairs before that's what struck me as funny.Not like the other day when i ran a speedtest with my congestion control set at 90 %,i'm a dumb ass.Always had go speed to both upstairs and to the basement.


And those other things you asked me to do,i have no idea how to see the bars on her desktop.We may have to hook up again,you said some thing about updating her desktop mac anyway.I checked it and it says it's running on 5 g off the netgear that's in AP mode,so as usual i'm clueless

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@ abc i had those speeds upstairs before that's what struck me as funny.Not like the other day when i ran a speedtest with my congestion control set at 90 %,i'm a dumb ass.Always had go speed to both upstairs and to the basement.


And those other things you asked me to do,i have no idea how to see the bars on her desktop.We may have to hook up again,you said some thing about updating her desktop mac anyway.I checked it and it says it's running on 5 g off the netgear that's in AP mode,so as usual i'm clueless


Yeah, just let me know when you want to get together and i'll happily take a look at it.  I am happy to help you update your Mac to the latest OS as well.

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@ abc as usual your correct,i ran a cat 6 cable upstairs and ran the speed test again,let's just say there was a slight difference in speed.I guess i never checked the upstairs desktop,just the ps3 upstairs.And since i got pretty much got the same speeds upstairs wireless as i did downstairs wired thru ps3 and the wife wasn't complaining,i figured i was good.I get 10.5/4 wireless (i left the damn congestion control at 90 again) and 65/6 wired.So my next question would be how do i get some of that speed back upstairs,wireless extenders a new router (nighthawk R 7000) as i'm paying for it and would like to have as much as possible.


And yea would like to hook back up when ever you have some time to go over the mac and the OS.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

No ignorance it's probably named differently in USA. It's literally a power plug that has Ethernet cable slot at the other end. You can then plug in another one anywhere in the house and it's uses your homes electrical wiring to communicate. It's a genius idea I reckon.

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@ Iain yea i would have to say that is a pretty good invention.I've never heard of anything like that but i'm not the most tec savvy guy around,but i'll check into it.Thanks for the tip

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I've just recently heard about the power line adapter, so I bought one for my ps3 that I use to stream movies in the living room. I bought it from best buy for about $30. So much better than running wires.

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it's data over power, it is 100% unsecure...which is why it hasn't gained significant traction...the initial releases (controlling lights, temp, fans, doors) was something everyone thought was amazing until someone showed you could from being on the same power grid hack into the actual network of the house.


It's definitely some cool stuff, just make sure anything you do that is data over power is secure.

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Guest Netduma_Iain

Oh dear didn't know that. But realistically you're far more likely to get hacked from other ways. Someone would really want your info bad to try extract it that way. 

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Oh dear didn't know that. But realistically you're far more likely to get hacked from other ways. Someone would really want your info bad to try extract it that way. 

If someone wants your info bad enough, they'll get it, possibly from entering ones home even...


I use a PoE adapter from my Work Router to a PC connected to a non smart TV in the living room. I work from home, such is life. ;)


The Beastduma serves its purpose as a beast for all things gaming.



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