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Duma R3 comparison


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How is the R3 compared to previous version. R2, the XR series (xr500, xr700, xr1000). I have owned them all so far, but I am on the fence about "upgrading" to the R3. Looking for people who actually own different models and went through with some of the bug issues and beta firmware's. All of my old routers are just collecting dust at this point. 

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Obviously I'm biased but the benefit over the XR series is its 100% our own product, hardware and software so we have a closer relationship with the router and can make faster firmware updates. DumaOS 4 allows for more efficient development as well and obviously offers new features the others don't have.

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If I were you and you wanted the software features updated quicker and new additions you should definitely stay with the netduma series and just use an access point for wireless connectivity as the wireless connectivity isn't so good when it comes to range but if you live in a small apartment then it doesn't matter it just in households were you'll need an access point for range.


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