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geofilter not pinging warzone 3 servers


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I have had my R3 for a couple weeks and when I play MW3 or warzone 3 it rarely is able to ping the game server and show that graph of the ping and how its being optimized.  I'm really happy with all that does work on this router..... but this feature was one of the big selling points for me and it sadly rarely works.  It works almost all of the time with fortnite servers.  Is this something that I can expect to see work or should I keep my expectations low for this product to deliver on its advertised features?

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6 hours ago, rvndo said:

I have had my R3 for a couple weeks and when I play MW3 or warzone 3 it rarely is able to ping the game server and show that graph of the ping and how its being optimized.  I'm really happy with all that does work on this router..... but this feature was one of the big selling points for me and it sadly rarely works.  It works almost all of the time with fortnite servers.  Is this something that I can expect to see work or should I keep my expectations low for this product to deliver on its advertised features?

Hello, welcome to the forum!

What version is it on right now?

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This is beautiful!!!!!!!  I just got done responding to another person in this forum about how humorous this is to have a brand new router that is advertised as having all these features and then when they don't work the forums say something to the effect of "don't worry about it, there is a way to disable it". :) So I have an advanced gaming router that does basically what all other routers do now that all the features are disabled.  BUT WAIT.... it does have some pretty LED lights on top!!!!  And that isn't the best part!  I have had the xr500 and then the xr1000 before this because they promised to lower my ping in Call of Duty.  I actually named my xr1000 "factory reset" because those forums keep advising doing a bit of this and a bit of that and then MAKE SURE TO FACTORY RESET THE ROUTER.  So I gave it one last go and bout a net duma router hoping that it would run dumaos better than the netgear routers did.  And now it has all come full circle!!!  And my new R3 router, my Christmas gift to myself is also going to be lovingly named FACTORY RESET 3.  I used to try to play Call of Duty, now I just factory reset my router over and over and do the subsequent network setup that is necessary afterwards.  well happy new year to me!!!

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And by the way, though I have to see the humor in this because getting mad doesn't accomplish anything, I honestly hope that it will work, because the features are so promising and when I saw them work somewhat as advertised in fortnite (a game that already works well and doesn't necessarily need these features) they seemed super cool.  SO, maybe just advertise that this router works well with any game except Call of Duty?


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I can assure you they work in Call of Duty warzone aswell, also when you update the firmware make sure to do a factory reset very important cause it will maintain remenants of the old firmware if you don't. Geo ping stabalizer even ping optimizer are working well on .23 firmware.

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I sure hope so!!!  I am a sarcastic person, I know, but I am really optimistic third time is the charm here.  I have to wait till the end of the day to do all this thought because I have someone using the network to work from home today.  I'll post again after the firmware update and factory reset.  I'm assuming it resets with a button underneath like the xr500 and xr1000?  Please, could someone drop the step by step for me in a response?


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You don't have to do a factory reset and actually it's not really required anymore either. However, as there has been a few updates since the initial launch version (3 - 4) I feel that that is a good point to do a reset after another upgrade, just to clear out any potential remnants of previous versions that might cause issues.

You can factory reset from the interface in Settings > Troubleshooting or as the other routers, hold the reset button in the back of the router for 30 seconds.

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