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R2 vs R3


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@SatirosI mean clearly there better hardware and certain features that will eventually be ported to the R2 but other than that it all about software it sorta like going from an XR500 to XR1000...though the main issue for users was the WiFi and that been heavily improved upon.


  • R2 150MBS
  • R3 500-600MBS+
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3 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Quite a few differences, the main ones that would affect you is the software, I'll work on a comparison list for the hardware. This will give you a good idea overall https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCU0-ELvZkOqiQFGXII95B7063uASKQlO

Is the dumaOs4 coming to r2 also ? Or r3 only ?

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It will be ported to the R2 at some point and time. Unsure of the time frame though or if it will have similar functionality or if some functions will be left out. We will have to wait and see. 

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