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R2 - FW Update - "DumaOS is not running!"


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As title says I tried to update my FW on my R2 this afternoon.  

DumaOS-R2-3.3.280.sig  -- This is the FW file I loaded through Duma Web Interface.

After update I'm more or less stuck in a loop.

Hold the reset button down on the router for 30 seconds.

Wait 4 minutes before starting the Wizard.  Step through the wizard with no issues where i configured admin/password, confirm upload download speed, etc.

Once through wizard I am presented a blank white page with this message "DumaOS is not running!"


I've tried unplugging for 10 minutes, then plugging back in as well.  



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5 minutes ago, DARKNESS said:

@grinch33Did you clear the cache? I would preferably use incognito to access the UI

Yes I've tried incognito in two different browsers.  Brave and Chrome.  Both browsers I am quickly presented with "DumaOS is not running!"


Next step is hold the reset button down on the router for 30 seconds.

Wait 5 minutes.  Then step through the install wizard again via web browser

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5 minutes ago, DARKNESS said:

@grinch33So your basically stuck try doing a hard reset and booting into the interference as quickly as you can without any other connectiosn except your device I would also recommend being connected through lan preferably.

Okay that is one issue that might help.  I am connected via LAN but I have one other device connected to the router via LAN as well.  I will disconnect that other device so it's only my PC connecting through LAN.


If that does not work any other ideas?

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I was able to resolve the issue which I mentioned when I opened the topic.  I was able to complete the router configuration without the "internet" cord plugged in my router.  I completed the setup via the DumaOS IOS application on my Iphone connecting directly to the router.

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