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LAN ports lose connectivity

Proud R3 Owner

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So I've mentioned this in another thread I created where I gave my first impression of the R3. This thread is exactly about the issue in the title. Every so often the LAN ports to the R3 just stop working. I don't get a "LAN cable unplugged" message so the devices still can see the connection to the router but they don't pull an IP and when setting a static IP the device still can't connect to the Internet or router. I woke up this morning to unhappy kids, lol, I took my laptop out and tried connecting directly to port 1 of the R3. The laptop was not able to pull an IP through DHCP automatically. I went ahead and gave the laptop a static IP and still could not connect to the router or the Internet. The only solution right now is to turn the router off from the button on the back and turn it back on. 

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I replied to your other topic but: 

Thank you for the logs, seeing a lot of DHCP messages as well as other logs a developer should look at. I have sent you a PM for a new firmware if you could try that please. Then factory reset after, I think if it's still an issue the following should be tried:

  1. Disable IPv6 in WAN/LAN followed by a reboot, if it continues:
  2. Disable DHCP and set reserved IP addresses for devices, if it continues:
  3. Make yourself accessible and I can remote in and enable remote logging which will give us more detailed logs for the team to look into
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I uploaded and let the router start up. Once I was able to access the os and the Internet, I tried to do a hard reset by holding in the reset button for 30 seconds. Unfortunately all this did was restart the router as all my settings were still there. I went into settings>troubleshooting and did a factory restart (soft reset). I'm going to set the router up and then try doing a hard reset again.

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So the LAN hasn't given me any issues so far, I have noticed in PubG my latency has gone up to 90 - >100ms. Not sure if it has anything to do with the new firmware or not but I'll keep you posted. Probably play some other games soon so I'll check back later.

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Came back from a nice dinner out with the family, kids were watching something on youtube on the living room tv and not 15 minutes later the internet went out on the hard wired devices. Here's a log.  Sorry that new FW didn't solve the issue.  I did disable IPv6 on WAN and LAN.  I did not set static IPs for everything on the wired side coz that's just way too much tinkering around for the family holiday time I have.  Anyway hope this log will help some.


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Disable IPv6 in LAN/WAN, enable remote support in troubleshooting settings and ensure the ISP modem/router is in modem/bridge mode or has the R3 in the DMZ then post back here from a device connected to the R3. I can remote in at any time, you don't need to be active for me to do so.

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My modem is a Motorola MB8611 so no router function to worry about on that. IPv6 is disabled on WAN/LAN and remote access has been enabled through the settings>troubleshooting menu (to allow for a technical support officer to access my router). 😁 

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I wasn't able to access unfortunately, I think it's on my end/the router won't accept me in which case the team would have to update that access with a new update in January. Your log is really helpful though so I will give that to the team when they're back. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, if I think of anything else that might help I will let you know.

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Hey Fraser, you want me to keep IPv6 disabled in the WAN/LAN?  Honestly since I have I haven't lost connection maybe that's the issue? Also I noticed I lost connection (WiFi and wired) when I would turn on Port Scan Protection. Anyway, just let me know what I should be doing. Have fun on NYE !!!!

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Ah okay that's very interesting, so it's literally been stable and up for over a week with it disabled? If so I think that is probably enough to pass onto the team though they may still want to access and have a look, I will let you know about that. Thanks for the update and Happy New Year!

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4 minutes ago, therealzome said:

I’m having the same issue, my Lan Port 2 is showing as No device even though a device is online and connected to the internet through that port. 

My issue was a little different. I could connect to the router wirelessly and all the ports show green connected. Unfortunately the devices connected to those ports couldn't connect to the R3 admin page or the Internet even after giving devices a static IP...BUT the wireless side would still work normally. After upgrading to .23 FW, doing a hard reset and disabling ipv6 on WAN/LAN, I haven't had that issue.

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On 1/3/2024 at 4:42 PM, therealzome said:

I’m having the same issue, my Lan Port 2 is showing as No device even though a device is online and connected to the internet through that port. 

A reboot of the router should resolve that, let us know!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update. I have ipv6 running on WAN/LAN. Only thing I have disabled on this router is the WiFi which I'm using 2 ax11000's in AP mode for supplement. I did change the dhcp lease time to 1440 however. Been up and stable for an entire 24hrs without incident. I'm thinking without proper airflow maybe that cpu bug pegging at 100% could just be overheating the cpu and locking up. I have my R3 on an old laptop cooling pad (not using the USB port on the unit but using an old phone charger) so I assume it's keeping it's cool that way. Would be nice to maybe see the cpu temps along with % usage.  Hope this info helps some.

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29 minutes ago, Proud R3 Owner said:

Update. I have ipv6 running on WAN/LAN. Only thing I have disabled on this router is the WiFi which I'm using 2 ax11000's in AP mode for supplement. I did change the dhcp lease time to 1440 however. Been up and stable for an entire 24hrs without incident. I'm thinking without proper airflow maybe that cpu bug pegging at 100% could just be overheating the cpu and locking up. I have my R3 on an old laptop cooling pad (not using the USB port on the unit but using an old phone charger) so I assume it's keeping it's cool that way. Would be nice to maybe see the cpu temps along with % usage.  Hope this info helps some.

I was thinking similarly. The cpu spikes make router run hot. Every time Ive touched R3 its felt very warm not like any other router ive had. Kinda like the arris modem I had to put a fan next to to cool it

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