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I pretty much only have my Xbox (wired to the R2 in same room) and my siblings PS5 (downstairs, 3 floors down over WiFi) connected to the R2 - are these QoS settings looking okay for this?


I must note - they have complained that their games are very laggy when connected to the R2, so they have stopped used the Netduma wifi and gone back to the first vodafone router. However, they're trying R2 again today and hopefully it runs well as i want everything on the R2. Upload and downlaod QoS are both same (in image).


Also, theyre connected via 2GHz for some reason - wouldnt it be better for them to be connected via 5ghz? If so, how can i get them to connect to the 5ghz.



EDIT: Since connecting back to the R2, they have said "almost unplayable" - i have seen it in action, and their games really are laggy - much more so than when connected tot he vodafone router (which is upstairs next to the R2)


Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 17.22.36.png

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 17.26.48.png

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You can reset Bandwidth Allocation, it's not necessary. ALL devices should be connected to the R2 for QoS to properly be able to control the network and eliminate lag so if you have devices upstream connected to the ISP modem/router QoS won't work properly. How do you have Traffic Prioritization set up? 

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Yep, everything is always connected to the R2 - except for the PS downstairs as their connection is pretty awful with it.


okay i just reset the QoS distro and everything is on 9 for Up/Dwn.


This is what Traffic Controller looms like - empty for some reason. 

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 17.42.20.png

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@TheMW2GhostI would definitely just leave bandwidth allocation alone and just use traffic prioritization and use qos to get the least amount of buffer bloat I recommend either using buffer bloat/waveform or using ping plotter to figure out if your connection spikes when doing a throttle and setup the qos more accordingly ...

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28 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Yeah the results are generally good, for Traffic Prioritization remove the Games Console rule but keep DumaOS Classified Games enabled and see whether that improves it for them

OK cheers mate - will see how that goes and report back!

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After trying this the games are still laggy pretty bad - it is genuinely unplayable for them. Did a speed test on the PS5 and it showed 17.6Mbps down and 5.3 upload if that info is of any help.

When they are having these lag issues in game, i am not even on a game myself so they should be getting a good connection right? We did a speedtest while downstairs and the speeds were pretty bad at under 10mbps - odd thing is - when if first did them downstairs on the day i got the Duma - the speed tests where actually much better .

I reset the QoS yesterday like you said and left everything connected at 9 each and turned off "game console" under traffic. Any ideas on how this can be fixed? As ideally everything needs to be connected to the Duma doesn't it. 

Games Console
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The ping always shows pretty low, usually below 10ms, that's the odd thing. Doesn't usually fluctuate from what ive seen. And i believe the geo-filter has been on most of the times, i actually turned that off just now to see how it goes for them without it.

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I'll check if their PS5 is open and let you know! I'm not too sure on even how to do that, thought we spoke before and i did put the Netduma IP/numbers into the DMZ on my Vodafone router. Haven't done it with console tho as im not sure how that works

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On 12/1/2023 at 10:31 PM, Netduma Fraser said:

That's fine, as long as you haven't entered anything on the R2 DMZ. Have you done any port forwarding or any other settings specific to 1 device?

I do not believe so, no; only the DMZ/R@ IP into the the old router thing as mentioned. 

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