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Adblocker works after update reseet etc..after 2 hours dpi class appear and stop working

DHCP works bad... priorization have problem after that errore.. You need use xr500 and try your software  or relase a software thjat works well 

Before DPI CLASS errore.. that errore is for sure problem of all ours probblem..





DumaOS] process '//usr/bin/dpiclass' died restart:true, Sunday, December 22, 2024 20:28:22 [admin login] from source, Sunday, December 22, 2024 20:28:21 [admin login] from source, Sunday, December 22, 2024 20:28:21 [DumaOS] process '//usr/bin/dpiclass' died restart:true, Sunday, December 22, 2024 20:28:20 [DumaOS] process '//usr/bin/dpiclass' died restart:true, Sunday, December 22, 2024 20:28:18 [DumaOS] process '//usr/bin/dpiclass' died restart:true, Sunday, December 22, 2024 20:28:16 [DumaOS] process '//usr/bin/dpiclass' died restart:true, Sunday, December 22, 2024 20:28:14 [DumaOS] process '//usr/bin/dpiclass' died restart:true, Sunday, December 22, 2024 20:28:12 [DumaOS] process '//usr/bin/dpiclass' died restart:true, Sunday, December 22, 2024 20:28:10


How we can resolve

and i continue have device offline random for PROBLEM DHCP .. cna't buy 250 euro of router and use only with static ip.

@admin ..investigate in this error

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Thanks everyone, if someone could provide the logs that has a decent amount of entries before the first mention of dpiclass failing that would be really helpful. 

Could you all check the DPI isn't disabled in the Congestion Control :menu menu please?

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3 hours ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Thanks everyone, if someone could provide the logs that has a decent amount of entries before the first mention of dpiclass failing that would be really helpful. 

Could you all check the DPI isn't disabled in the Congestion Control :menu menu please?



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This is sad that we bought these router and was taunted these great beta features only to have them give up on us so they can focus on their own platform the R3. It’s almost like we’re just the community of test dummy’s. Just give us a working firmware with these features and we will all be happy. 

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If we downgrade we lose features that the phone app teases us with like ping optimizer which is amazing but the latest official update from netgear doesn’t even support games like black op 6 or dead by daylight in the geo filter or traffic prioritization. So we’re getting left behind for sure and forgotten while they focus on the R3 firmware 

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1 hour ago, IITazII said:

Thanks for that, it seems like it's dying after the cloud syncs for Adblocker. Could you reboot the router, then on Adblocker, add a block rule for this address please:


Then see if it happens again.

50 minutes ago, OnDemGrapes said:

This is sad that we bought these router and was taunted these great beta features only to have them give up on us so they can focus on their own platform the R3. It’s almost like we’re just the community of test dummy’s. Just give us a working firmware with these features and we will all be happy. 

47 minutes ago, OnDemGrapes said:

If we downgrade we lose features that the phone app teases us with like ping optimizer which is amazing but the latest official update from netgear doesn’t even support games like black op 6 or dead by daylight in the geo filter or traffic prioritization. So we’re getting left behind for sure and forgotten while they focus on the R3 firmware 

As much as I love a good conspiracy theory there isn't one here. If we don't continue expanding then the company will cease to exist and then there are 0 chances for updates. While I understand not getting features is upsetting it doesn't mean your existing feature set becomes useless. With the R3 for example we control the whole development, that's why updates and features can be provided faster, it's just not the same with these routers. 

We did a cloud update so those games should be available for prioritization if you resync the cloud.

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47 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Thanks for that, it seems like it's dying after the cloud syncs for Adblocker. Could you reboot the router, then on Adblocker, add a block rule for this address please:


Then see if it happens again.

As much as I love a good conspiracy theory there isn't one here. If we don't continue expanding then the company will cease to exist and then there are 0 chances for updates. While I understand not getting features is upsetting it doesn't mean your existing feature set becomes useless. With the R3 for example we control the whole development, that's why updates and features can be provided faster, it's just not the same with these routers. 

We did a cloud update so those games should be available for prioritization if you resync the cloud.


unfortunately it didn't work



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nothing happens, it's still the same, the problem is not with Adblock

I have already proceeded with this test and the results are the same, I am encountering the error repeatedly here
[DumaOS] process '//usr/bin/dpiclass' died restart:true, Tuesday, December 24, 2024 12:12:05
[here] Ubus object 'com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager' added, attempting to bind pending, Tuesday, December 24, 2024 12:12:05

every time this command is repeated com.netdumasoftware.devicemanager
we encounter process '//usr/bin/dpiclass' died restart:true

log-1735063987768.txt log-1735061954871.txt log-1735060810354.txt log-1735059544372.txt log-1735059146742.txt log-1735055164945.txt

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If that's the case then I don't think the logs are providing enough information to determine a particular pattern as it appeared to be the Adblocker cloud preceding it on other logs.  Go to the System Information page and then in the Rapp panel menu ≡ change the retries to 5, reboot from the interface, close the interface tab and wait 4 minutes before accessing, then see if it works please. Hopefully, changing the option will also help to restart the necessary Rapps/processes to have it functioning correctly.

Otherwise, if someone could re-install the firmware via TFTP, complete that then factory reset that would provide the freshest install possible and then change nothing but adding your device to the Geo-Filter and playing it would help eliminate a lot of variables.

I do apologize for anyone experiencing this issue, with the time of year I'm pretty much flying solo so I can't get a dev to take a look, I'll continue to do what I can to try and find a workaround in the meantime. 

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13 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Se for esse o caso, então não acho que os logs estejam fornecendo informações suficientes para determinar um padrão específico, pois parecia ser a nuvem do Adblocker precedendo-o em outros logs. Vá para a página System Information e, em seguida, no menu do painel Rapp ≡ altere as tentativas para 5, reinicie a partir da interface, feche a guia da interface e aguarde 4 minutos antes de acessar, então veja se funciona, por favor. Espero que alterar a opção também ajude a reiniciar os Rapps/processos necessários para que funcione corretamente.

Caso contrário, se alguém pudesse reinstalar o firmware via TFTP, concluí-lo e então fazer uma redefinição de fábrica que forneceria a instalação mais atualizada possível e não alteraria nada, apenas adicionar seu dispositivo ao Geo-Filter e reproduzi-lo ajudaria a eliminar muitas variáveis.

Peço desculpas a todos que estão enfrentando esse problema. Como essa época do ano é boa, estou praticamente viajando sozinho, então não consigo que um desenvolvedor dê uma olhada. Enquanto isso, continuarei fazendo o que puder para tentar encontrar uma solução alternativa. 

Yes, I already did what you proposed. I increased the rap attempts to five attempts and also decreased them to one. Neither option worked. A hypothesis came to mind and I will send a print to see if it is possible. If it is better from my point of view, I can only deactivate both options at the same time. There would be no option to activate just one.

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36 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

If that's the case then I don't think the logs are providing enough information to determine a particular pattern as it appeared to be the Adblocker cloud preceding it on other logs.  Go to the System Information page and then in the Rapp panel menu ≡ change the retries to 5, reboot from the interface, close the interface tab and wait 4 minutes before accessing, then see if it works please. Hopefully, changing the option will also help to restart the necessary Rapps/processes to have it functioning correctly.

Otherwise, if someone could re-install the firmware via TFTP, complete that then factory reset that would provide the freshest install possible and then change nothing but adding your device to the Geo-Filter and playing it would help eliminate a lot of variables.

I do apologize for anyone experiencing this issue, with the time of year I'm pretty much flying solo so I can't get a dev to take a look, I'll continue to do what I can to try and find a workaround in the meantime. 

I already did the tftp thing, the problem appears after a few minutes, I think it is when it synchronizes with the cloud, because when I deactivate QOS the error disappears, I think it is a "DPI" application that blocks the others or it does not synchronize well with the cloud

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1 hour ago, Fernando12 said:

would it be possible to mark only the option below without disabling QOS, just disable Advance dpi ???

Yes I think if you disable QoS, then disable DPI, you can re-enable QoS and DPI will stay disabled if you leave it. In practicality I don't know if that will work or not but let us know.

55 minutes ago, IITazII said:

I already did the tftp thing, the problem appears after a few minutes, I think it is when it synchronizes with the cloud, because when I deactivate QOS the error disappears, I think it is a "DPI" application that blocks the others or it does not synchronize well with the cloud

Yeah pretty certain it's a cloud issue, will leave a message for them to pick it up when they can.

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52 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Sim, acho que se você desabilitar o QoS, então desabilitar o DPI, você pode reabilitar o QoS e o DPI permanecerá desabilitado se você deixá-lo. Na prática, não sei se isso vai funcionar ou não, mas nos avise.

Sim, tenho quase certeza de que é um problema na nuvem. Deixarei uma mensagem para que eles resolvam o problema quando puderem.

I just did the test. When I disable QoS and DPI Advance, when I try to reactivate QoS, it activates DPI Advance together. So the two functions are connected. It would not be possible to separate them from each other. When one is activated, the other is activated together. I cannot deactivate it, only DPI Advanced is inaccessible. As in the print.


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