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question about R2


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So I normally run a netgear XR1000...but I put my R2 online and did the new update for it...and have been using that router for the past day....why would my bandwidth in COD cold war be sitting around 300 to 400 in the game? I have closed the game a few times to see if it would grab a higher bandwidth but the highest I have got was 790...on my XR1000 no matter what day it was I was always between 3000 and 4000...why do you guys think it would stay so low on the R2?

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Unless you have severely throttled yourself the game will just be getting what it needs - gaming uses very little bandwidth and won't use anywhere near 3000 for example so there shouldn't be any difference in game quality at all

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yeah I knew it doesnt use much but I have throttled anything...I am running a AP router for my wifi just at the moment...Its temporary.....you dont think that would play into it would it?

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