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AW Domination heads or tails


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Hi fellas


Has anyone else found that domination in AW is so messed up. You are either on a landslide winning game or getting your rear handed to you?


It seems no mater how good you do your team still loses? Just wondering if anyone else is getting this?

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I do get that sometimes but last night it played great, joined a couple of friends and laughed so much my face hurt. It was one of those nights that gaming was made for, didn't even bother me with the odd laggy lobby and most games there was only a few points between the teams.

Best I managed was 48-8 and 9 captures.

I think as a whole AW is messed up and if you play it with that in mind it can be fun still.

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I think AW is messed up.  The last two nights I played TM and Dom my experience was the same both nights.  I got dropped in my first game when the score was 40 to 3 and it got worse.  You almost always enter the game on the  losing side and become cannon fodder for the "jumping beans".  We were in one game that started out 6 vs 6 and within a few minutes the score was 21 to 2 and the other team only had two players - who totally dominated the game. 


Don't tell me there is a good system for leveling since it is not uncommon for several Masters to be partied up against players who haven't prestiged and some who have.  Games get ridiculous.  One opinion recently expressed is that the majority of the players left on AW are elite ones and the rest have left.  I have been in a clan for some years and it is very rare that any of the members play AW and if they do it is some of the games like Zombies etc.


I think I am done with AW and last night I dusted off my "Ghosts" and enjoyed a couple of games - I forgot how to play it I haven't had it out since the launch of AW.  I wish I had my 360 games if they are useable.  To bad Black Ops is not backward compatible.


Well that's my two cents worth...




That's my two cents worth..

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I almost exclusively play AW Domination.  If you are playing with good to great players in a party, the game plays are a little more consistent.  If playing solo, it is like rolling the dice on whether you will have a good teammates and game.  I played a game the other night and 4 of my teammates were around 4 and 25 by halftime and barely had any flag captures.  In the 2nd half, the opposing team unleashed a large amount of kill streaks, system hacks, etc.  They had to be reverse boosting. 


Another game, I got put into a party of 5 that were all OBJ players and slayers.  We were all giving great callouts, and we absolutely wrecked them 200 to 25.   


I have got to the point that I rarely will get online unless I see friends online too.

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One reason DOM is messed up is at the game level since AW values kills more than flag captures in terms of actual points.


This is why people can easily get scorestreaks within the first couple of minutes and then the rest of the match is nothing but bombing runs, war birds, etc.


SHG ruined one of my favorite modes because they listened to the wrong players... The ones who just want  to "kill, kill, kill!" every game mode even if that is not  the main objective... And purposefully turned DOM into an extended version of TDM. Nobody asked for this change and when it did happen, I was not in the minority who welcomed it. The fact they have left it this way proves a couple of things, but the main one is AW is so boring unless your are killing somebody there is no fun to play the objectives in pub matches, IMO.

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Somebody on the Off Topic board posted, "AW is not fun and makes no sense".


It's kind of a joke, but the more you think about it the more it is true, IMO... Especially, the making sense part.


I didn't realize what they meant until a pro-player commented on the recent BO3 MP reveal at Games Con, that map flow and knowing where the enemy may be coming from and having power positions around the map MAKES SENSE and is how you can formulate strategies. This might sound obvious to everybody else, but for some reason, I didn't internalize it until the player said it. Meaning, I use tactics like everybody else, but I guess AW teaches really BAD tactics. Meaning, there aren't any due to the maps being too small and the Exos allowing players to be anywhere at any time, faster than in previous CoDs.

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For me Dom changed when the changed the points for kills and caps.When the game first came out IMO it was scored as it should be,more points for caps and less for kills,then they patched that and flipped it around and the game mode went to s**t.

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And to make it even better the amount of people who quit out when they are getting beaten is ridiculous, they should stop them from joining another game for 5 minutes or delete their supply drops if they have earned any.


oooh it makes me mad

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