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AK12 Grenadier > AK12 R.I.P?


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Is it just me, or is the Grenadier - the enlisted variant of the AK12, the best AK variant in the game?
Most of you will probably say, "what have you been smoking quickfaith? Everybody knows the R.I.P is the best variant!"


Well... I beg to differ!


It seems that if you place a grenade launcher on an AK12, you get less view kick. So it kind of acts like a free foregrip!

This must be some sort of glitch as this seems to only apply to the AK12.


The R.I.P does have increased accuracy and damage, but the AK12 is an accurate gun anyway and that extra damage doesn't come into play until you reach the ridiculously long ranges on the map - which is very rare.


The R.I.P also has less ammo in the mag so extended mags are a must.


Also, the Grenadier has the best iron sights in the game. They're way better than the R.I.P's. Combine that with the zero view kick from grenade launcher and you have a monster.


Oh... the Grenadier also has a tighter hipfire spread and it gives you that extra slot for your pick 13! - it literally has no negatives (unless you count having a free grenade launcher as a negative)

Most of the time, my enemies run for cover during a gunfight... all I need to do is launch a grenade around the corner and hey presto! I won the gunfight. 

It's a bit 'nooby', but try it for yourselves. 


I really do think this gun is the best AK12.




I found some gameplay footage of it in action (footage is by The JamaicanGamr):




Here's some footage of the crazy low recoil/hipfire spread (for an AK12):

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I think the R.I.P, is hands down the best gun for accumulating hate mail.  Throw quick draw, extended mags and a silencer into the mix, it really brings out the best in our community - lol


Don't think I've got that variant, I sell all the enlisted stuff, but I do like using AK's so will give it a try when I get it. 


I'm so bored with the game atm, I started rushing with a Mors and irons and having a blast!


Thanks for sharing.

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Seriously, try it when you get it.

It definitely gives the R.IP a run for it's money!


With extended mags on, the R.I.P gains 3 extra bullets in a clip over the base variant. The Grenadier basically gives you 2 x free grenades and 30 bullets in a clip instead - it also has the same low recoil as the R.I.P due to the grenade launcher 'glitch'.





I'm definitely trying to find new ways to 'spice' the game back up. I'm a lousy sniper, but I may make a Mors class when I feel like kicking back!

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very interesting..... somehow AK in this game its a gun i just suck with. dont know why i just cant get around this gun at all.... have tried numerous times with no luck will see what i can do on a weekend

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I see i am oposite


for me bal handels a lot more like Smg then regular Ar.

Thats why i like it. I have been Smg player mostly though.

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I see lots of people using the geanadier or should I say I get killed by it a lot,but never used it might have to give it a try

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