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Connecting To Server Far From My Geofilter

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Hello. I Keep Getting Connected To This Server in 2000 Miles From My Home Location. Outside My Geofilter. Ive Tried Everything I Could Not To Connect To This Server. Ive Read Other Threads and Tried what other people have tried with no luck. its not a bad server but I connect to this one server 99% of the time. ive tried moving my home location and that still doesn't help,just makes the server farther. ive tried a factory reset thinking maybe I rated the server that's why I keep getting connected to it but after the factory reset im still getting connected . Any Help would be appreciated  



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  • Netduma Staff

I already tried setting ping assit to  0 it doesn't connect me to any games. just keeps kicking me from lobbys. and it I turn off the strict mode and have 0 on ping assit it connects me to that server again



You can see this page to see why you are connecting to it :) In short, strict mode being disabled is letting it through as it's a dedi. If ping assist is letting it through and it's below the range you've set then that is good because it means it is a low ping host which is probably just mis-located :)

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I set my ping assist to 60ms and ill have like 6 red dots in my filter and ill connect to one but as the game is about to start it jumps to the server out of the filter. so does this mean I will always have to be connected to this server?

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  • Netduma Staff

I set my ping assist to 60ms and ill have like 6 red dots in my filter and ill connect to one but as the game is about to start it jumps to the server out of the filter. so does this mean I will always have to be connected to this server?


AW tries to always push dedis so yeah, you probably will have to connect to that one. I think if you make it so you can't connect to it, it can take a very long time to get a game.

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  • Netduma Staff

Would i still be connected to people in my filter? So 8m not getting lag?


No, the GeoFilter only filters the hosts as the ping to the host is generally what causes lag.


What is the ping to the server that you are connecting to outside of the GeoFilter?

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Ideally that would be stable but at this same time this is a pretty good ping to the host. As you sad this is not a bad serv for you. The AW MM works this way and DUMA cant change that.


Maybe you could try different CoD titels to have a better understading that THIS game have a very spefick match making system.

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  • Netduma Staff

It's pretty good it bounces between 15 to 25 . I'm really sorry to he a pain I'm a noob when it comes to all this


No worries - you're not a pain, any questions are welcome :) 15-25ms is a good ping so even though it is outside of your GeoFilter, it is probably mis-located and actually closer to you than it shows - but that doesn't matter, as long as the ping is low the game should be lag free!

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  • Netduma Staff

Ok great thank you for clarify that. I thought something was messed up and it was going to cause lag because 9f the distance . Thank you both for the help


Great! As this seams to be sorted I will close the thread - if you have anymore issues please feel free to make a new one  :)

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