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Still having issues

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well if you wanna exclude to isp option there will been needed more testing. also on a different times of the day.


What i would do it test it using internet daiagnostic on a different times of the day few tiems each and keep the record of you fidnings that way will will have a better picture of you line

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would be nice if you could keep record of it lets say for 48 h and then share it here so we can ahve a look at it and take it form there.

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Hello there buddy.


From what i can see on that picture your Geo filter works fine. The host you are connected to its in you filter radius.


AW works mostly on dedicated servers. And they are located in certainty areas. For example i live in london the dedicates servers in my part of europe are always on the bottom of UK, Middle of Netherlands slightly to the right center of France and left middle part of Germany. Match Making systems jumps betwen those but location of the servers stays this same sort of like they have server farms in those areas.


So thats ture what you say here sometimes match making will put you in a game on dedicates srevers clouser to you some times not. Here is the beatuty of geo range that you can select how far you wanna look for host in that case you have slected large radious so it got you a game in that range.


Though the smaller the radious the longer the time to look for games. Reason for that its again this game runs on mostly dedicated servers so your options of host location are a lot more limited then on p2p host that could be in your garden.... were with dedis you have to be lucky to live clouse to one to be abale to do that.


Now the main factor its the PING..... and here you have potion your ping to that host can be fair and aceptable or its way to low for that distance. That is simply mislocated ip of that server that in reality can be a lot closer to you. So if you see host with bigger distance like this above and you still ping it very low i sugges you post its ID in this thread


so it can get looked at by Duma crew and moved to a correct location if its in a worng one.

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