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Ping Heatmap Question Relating to Icons/Servers


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Couple of questions on this as I decided to get back into playing some COD with the recent release of MWII. Not sure if that was a good choice or not as I have mixed feelings about the game, SBMM is at the top :). Anyways this is my heatmap with the server locations. I am located in KS and I have multiple options for server selection.


However, when I go into the geo-filter it shows the following for the server in KS/OK @22ping


So this may be a dumb question but is there any reason it is showing a peer connection with the allowed player icon. I would have thought it would be a server icon? I know that MWII was just released and you mention further updates relating to server and traffic improvements, is it just a misidentified server. Also I can never seem to connect to the servers in Chicago, IL or Columbus, OH. I have ping assist set to 0 and I decided to use the polygon mode and made three individual squares around the three low-ping servers from the heatmap. Perhaps I am just using it wrong but I never see any server icons pop-up other than an "allowed server" in Virginia.

One last question I know at one time there were dedicated servers I think in St Louis, MO and Dallas, TX, those do not show up anymore. Is the team still working on getting all the servers captured or did they possibly shutdown? Knowing Activision they would do anything to save a $$$ on server costs

I am also running firmware V2.3.2.120 which I know is not current but wanted to verify some of these details before I updated. My Xbox Series X is also hard wired and QoS traffic prio rule is setup for game console as you mentioned in another thread to address some potential lag issues and fixes.

Thanks in advance

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Interesting, it may just be a server misclassified as a peer, that's quite possible. However, I'm not sure why it's whitelisted. Is that the only icon on the map when you're playing? It may be that it's whitelisted by mistake and the team just need to remove it.

When you try to connect to your desired servers, are you just getting connected to this one instead?

It's possible they're not quite showing up in our captures yet, or they simply decided to do away with them/commit them to Warzone. Unfortunately there's not a huge amount of insight available on that sort of stuff.

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Interesting enough it finally showed showed the various servers when logging in. For some reason, up until late yesterday, it would not show anything while the game was saying "connecting to datacenters". This is what I got this morning


For whatever reason, as I mentioned before, the TX and MO servers were not showing and then all of a sudden they showed up as blocked player. Once I drew a filter around them as you can see they are now showing as player. Is there any reason that the majority of the server locations that show on the heatmap are showing as player instead of server. It looks like the CA servers, at least the 2 that show up are servers, but the WA for example is again a player icon?

As for which server I connect to you, its finally being more consistent and appears to be connecting to the server in Chicago. Again I know since this game was just released its always a mess the first few weeks, maybe a little longer. So I will just have to be patient. Player population will drop off and the servers will be less congested I figure in a few weeks.


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Yeah I think they're just being mis-categorised, it shouldn't stop you connecting to them though it will reduce the information you see on them a little bit. We've got a developer working on those miscategorisations now so hopefully we'll have that fixed soon!

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