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GeoFilter Stopped Working on Warzone

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Hi there, hoping someone can help as I'm a bit lost. 

For background, I'm a keen gamer originally from the UK now living in Sydney, Australia. I still regularly play Warzone on XBOX with my friends back home in England, and for a long time I put up with playing on their local servers, giving me an outrageous ping of around 300ms each game. 

Eventually, I learned of the GeoFilter on DumaOS and purchased a Netgear Nighthawk XR300 router so I could use it. The idea was that it would force me (and my friends from the UK) to connect to a server in the US, which resulted in us all playing on a ping of around 170ms (much more manageable for me, and not a huge impact to them). 

I have my home location set as the US and for a long time the system worked - we regularly connected to the US West Coast server for Warzone. However, this has recently stopped working, no matter I seem to change in the settings. The game loads up, and connects me to games at <20ms ping, which can only be the local servers here in Sydney. 

Has there been a recent change from either Warzone or NetDuma that's preventing this feature from working how I need it to? If not, can someone help me ensure I've got all the settings correct? I've attached images of my existing settings. 

Any help greatly appreciated! 

Screenshot 2022-07-14 at 01.23.03.png

Screenshot 2022-07-14 at 01.23.09.png

Screenshot 2022-07-14 at 01.23.24.png

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17 hours ago, Netduma Liam said:

Welcome to the forum!

What are you seeing on the Geo-filter map when you get connected to a game?

Are you seeing an icon in Australia?

Are you friends then playing on a super high ping, further indicating you're in AUS?

Hi Liam, thanks for the prompt response. 

I have attached pictures of what's been happening recently when I load up the game. Initially I see the worldwide symbols (first picture). It then appears to momentarily single out the West coast server in the US, but by the time I get to searching for a game only the symbol in Australia is visible (second picture). 

I haven't actually got to the point of playing a game with my UK friends with the GeoFilter still enabled. I've been giving up hope of connecting to the US server as soon as it puts me into a game at <20ms ping. There's no way I've connected to a US server with that ping, right? At that point I've just switched to spectating mode and joined their UK lobbies. 

It's incredibly frustrating for me, as it used to work perfectly and meant I could actually enjoy the game. At the moment, as I'm sure you can imagine, it's pretty painful playing on 300ms ping, especially when I forked out more than I would usually spend on a router purely to have this feature. 

Hoping (praying) you can help! 




Screenshot 2022-07-14 at 19.52.54.png

Screenshot 2022-07-14 at 19.53.05.png

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Thank you.

It looks as though you may have manually denied a server in North-West US? That may be an authentication server, could you perhaps try removing the manual deny on that and see if you're then able to get into a game there?

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6 minutes ago, Netduma Liam said:

Thank you.

It looks as though you may have manually denied a server in North-West US? That may be an authentication server, could you perhaps try removing the manual deny on that and see if you're then able to get into a game there?

That's odd. The only items I have in the 'Allow/Deny' section are 'peer' profiles (the UK-based friends I regularly play with), and they're all set on 'allow' (see attached). 

I had previously tried to add the US Server in as an 'allow', but it didn't seem to rectify the issue. 

Should I just delete all the 'peer' entries and see if that fixes it? 

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Put a pin in that for the moment, it looks like you have fast search enabled which will disregard your settings sometimes in an effort to get you a game faster. Disable that then do this so it's all fresh:

  1. Quit the game completely & hard turn off the console
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Resync from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  4. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter
  5. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like
  6. Wait 2 minutes
  7. Boot up console/game

Then see if it works.

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