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Traffic Prioritization And Update ETA?


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Hey guys

so i have been playing alot of CSGO and Valorant latelly and noticed that the Traffic Prioitization has not been detecting these games even when i manually add them. Any Ideas as to why? i am using the XR1000 by the way.

Also wondered if there was an ETA on the next update for this router as it has been a long time

Thanks for reading!

Traffic Prioritization
Traffic Prioritization

 Traffic Prioritization

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just doubled checked the ip and it is the same. i have also tried with duma os classified on and off and no difference. if possible i would like to avoid the games console service.

this screenshot was taken whilst in a match on valorant.


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10 hours ago, XeyaI said:

yeah the games console service does seem to be doing something. Atleast on valorant

OK, thanks for letting us know. Can you test it with CS:GO as well and let us know if that's working too?

I'll let the team know, we can probably re-capture these two and get them updated in QoS.

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So double checking CSGO it seems to be working  inside of a deathmatch game but it does not work in comunity servers or FACIT matches however the console service does turn on at the start of the match and turns off a few seconds later. Valorant only works with console service

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