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XR1000 Traffic Controller not working

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Been using the Netgear XR1000 for a few months and simply cannot get the Traffic Controller working.

Attempting to block All Traffic on a Schedule and nothing happens.

Event Capture states rule is active but device continues to have full internet access.

Using firmware Have checked the IP and MAC addresses.

Are there any known issues with it?


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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Can you provide a screenshot of Traffic Controller page please? Also this device, have you made a custom Traffic Prioritization or Port Forwarding rule for it or is it in the DMZ?

There are no known issues that I can recall.

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Thank you for the suggestions, I don't have a XR1000 to test with me so I can get Liam to do that tomorrow if needed but I did try on the R2 and it did work for me, however try this, edit the rule and instead of choosing All Traffic choose Port Range instead. It should have default values already entered so go ahead and click next on that and complete the rule. Then see if that works. If that works then it will be blocking All Traffic as well.

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Many thanks - I've been busy today so not been able to try this yet.

I will do so tomorrow and let you know how I get on.

All the best!


I cannot test Ella's PC at the moment as it's late at night. However you made me curious because I previously suspected this feature might be know to not work.

So before I go to bed I thought I'd test on my own machine.

I chose All Traffic and left the whole schedule as Block and it worked absolutely fine.

Interestingly however, under Event Capture, it's actually listed my machine - "blocked Newt for all traffic":




As it didn't list Ella's PC before, am guessing something in the schedule did not detect it?

Either way, if not tomorrow then over the weekend I shall spend some further time on this - including testing what you've mentioned.

Will let you know the result!

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Hello again,

I've spent 20 minutes testing.

I've renamed the machine in NetDuma to removed the spaces and apostrophe.

I've created a new rule which blocks EllaPC 24/7 - I've tried both All Traffic and the port range as you suggested:




Unfortunately it's still not working.

It still states the rule is active, but does not state "blocked EllaPC for all traffic" like it does for my machine.

The only thing I can think of now is she is on 2.4Ghz wireless and I'm good old fashoined cat5 cable.

Is it struggling to detect her via the wireless?

We're about to go out - I have other devices I can do further tests with but not right now.


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If she goes on wifi, the adapter will have a different MAC adress and for DumaOS it will be a different device in your device manager. So yes it's possible to bypass the traffic controller if she goes on wifi instead of wired internet.

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I know it's weird - and I feel it's something configuration wise that can be resolved.

She's on Windows 10, all the latest updates, PCI WiFi card.

Just the XR1000 providing all connections.

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Are there any other settings on the router that you've applied to this device specifically? 

I would suggest double checking your personal PC NIC card adapter settings vs the device NIC card adapter settings and see if there are any differences that you can match to your settings

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Can block:

PC, wired cat5, Windows 10

Lenovo tablet, 2.4Ghz WiFi, Android 6

iPhone Xr, 2.4Ghz WiFi, iOS 14.4.2


Cannot block:

PC, 2.4Ghz WiFi, Windows 10

Xiaomi phone, 2.4Ghz WiFi, Android 10


I'd also like to try another laptop we have here, but after selecting "Remove offline devices" on the Device Manager it's not appeared, so can't select it in a rule. 😬

I created a rule to block all devices which also did seem to work ok.

I am still at a loss as to why certain devices cannot be blocked.

When a device is blocked, Event Capture lists the device, when it's not blocked there is no entry.

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Hmm, may be a long shot but could you disable Traffic Prioritization on the QoS page please - so DumaOS Classified Games and any other rules you may have added and see if it blocks then? Wondering if maybe they're getting caught by DumaOS Classified Games or another rule and somehow bypassing the block

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The plot thickens..!

I logged on this evening and disabled my 3 QoS rules, then went to Traffic Controller to test my phone.

I before I changed anything I noticed it listed under event capture as blocked - with a lot of entries too (maybe 100 or so) - so my phone has had no internet all day :D

Scrolling to the top of the list - the rule became active at 5 minutes to 9 this morning, which is strange as the schedule is blocking 24/7:



But I disabled and re-enabled the rule and sure enough received correct entries stating the device and restored/removed connectivity on the phone as expected.

There was an old Traffic Rule at the top of the list which was disabled, it did have a schedule, I don't think it was for 9am but could have been. I deleted it to test further and did not take a screenie beforehand so couldn't show you.

I'm now going to test further with Ella's PC. 🤞

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With the erroneous rule removed, it now allows me to block Ella's PC too:



I don't think it was to do with QoS, I suspect the top rule - although disabled - was having an effect.

I will now set up a schedule and see if I can get it to work. I really only need one for her PC - we have her other devices on the 5GHz which we can disable as needed.

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Schedule kicked in at 8pm as expected - listing the machine name too.


Left it with this one rule so keeping it as simple as possible. Hopefully now fully resolved. Am going to add a second rule for the same machine with different times for the weekends.

Any issues will report back! Thanks for the input :)

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