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Since I tried using exprressvpn with hybrid vpn I have gotten this error everyday. Express vpn tried helping me for a few days and ended up with a refund since I couldn't use it. This code never popped up until then. I have turned off the hybrid VPN and still get this issue.  My internet speeds on the R2 are incredibly slow on the connection benchmark. around 700-800 off my upload. Any ways I can fix this?


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VPN is gone. Factory reset the router . That took way touch of my time and expressvpn couldn't find a solution.    This new problem is with no VPN and now no intermet.  My speed test without the VPN were 200-230 not 700-1000 . Speed test shows 700-1000 but in congestion control it's not allowing me the download speeds I want to use because it registers as slow internet speeds. I have factory reset. Reset everything up and now for 2 days I do/don't have internet. If I plug old router up I have 0 problems.   If you need any files or anything I'll need exact ways to go about it as I have no idea what any of this is. 

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12 hours ago, SUSxSPENSE said:

VPN is gone. Factory reset the router . That took way touch of my time and expressvpn couldn't find a solution.    This new problem is with no VPN and now no intermet.  My speed test without the VPN were 200-230 not 700-1000 . Speed test shows 700-1000 but in congestion control it's not allowing me the download speeds I want to use because it registers as slow internet speeds. I have factory reset. Reset everything up and now for 2 days I do/don't have internet. If I plug old router up I have 0 problems.   If you need any files or anything I'll need exact ways to go about it as I have no idea what any of this is. 

Apologies, I'm a little confused by your above comment. Are you getting 200-230 Mbps on your speedtest, or are you getting 700-1000Mbps?

How are you measuring these speeds, through Connection Benchmark or through a third-party speed test such as speedtest.net?

Make sure that your Bandwidth Speeds in DumaOS are set correctly by going to the three-dot menu in the top right of the interface and click Advanced -> Network Speeds.

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I Had to factory reset again last night because we were getting no internet connection. No wifi or LAN. Then it wouldn't find the network on any of our devices except LAN. I have read whatever speed test runs is the actual speeds but if that's the case why do I have a connection test on DUMA OS?  I am by no means trying to be a a** its a honest question.   


Now in the last 3-5 days my QoS bandwidth allocation resets to default any time i move it. Download and upload. 


The rapp takes ages to load up. WHEN it loads up. Ping heatmap works 75% of the time. You would expect more.


Ping heatmap (add to list) was amazing last month or so works randomly when it feels like it. 


The expressvpn team and myself not figuring out how to use it in dumaos wasn't that big of a deal to me. Would have been nice but I don't need it. 

Sorry to lay so much out I have looked high and low in the forums for fixes for these problems, Most I can't find where it was resolved so I can do without asking for help. 


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Were all three of the above speed tests done while connected directly to the R2? If that's the case, Connection Benchmark is seriously misreporting your speeds. Are all devices on the network connected to the R2 or are some still connected to the modem/router above the R2?

Connection Benchmark is there because it runs a speedtest directly from the R2, not from a client device connected to it. This gives you a good indication of what the state of the network is before and after DumaOS features such as QoS have been applied.

What firmware version are you currently running on the R2? It seems like a few of the issues you're experiencing have been fixed in the latest firmware. If you're already on the latest firmware, did you factory reset your R2 after installing it?

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All 3 were done connected to the R2. I turn every wifi off on the 3 other devices and run same test I get the same speeds. I get faster connection speed  on my phone speed test connected to wifi through r2 then I do the benchmark. I have 1gb download and 40 upload but through dumaos I am lucky to break 300mbps download? My ping under stress is almost 200? I have 2 D's and 1 B on my connection benchmark. 

I am running 3.0.394 before the reset and again after the reset.  

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EVERYTHING is through the R2. I have 1 modem and 1 Netduma r2 router.    Ping heatmap doesnt load 75% of the time and the rapp i'll give benifiet of the doubt and say 50/50. I just want the speeds back. This has been more hassle then its been worth. No offense to you guys. I just don't know tech, This router is made to look easy but all the problems are hard to figure out when you Have 0 experience in this field. 

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Can you share a screenshot of how you've currently got QoS configured? This may be what's causing your poor scores in Connection Benchmark. 

Can you provide a screenshot of the exact issue you're experiencing in Ping Heatmap, just so we know we're on the same page.

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This will likely just be due to your location in relation to the closest server Benchmark will be allocating you, it by no way means you're restricted to those speeds - it's just your speeds to that specific server, the speedtest.net result is showing the speeds you're actually getting so you can ignore Benchmark for the moment.

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The closest server gives me lower speeds on the benchmark? I switched servers on speed test and they don't differ that much until I go far away, When I auto-setup congestion control it drops my mbps down as well.  Under load in ping during test is 150+  in games I now my ping randomly shoots to 90-120. Its not consistent but enough to tell in a multiplayer game.

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What I mean is the service we use may not have servers as close to you as speedtest does. I assure you you'll be getting the speeds that speedtest.net shows. Yes thats the way the QoS works, by reserving part of your speeds it means your connection cannot get saturated and cause you lag. You'll need to experiment with the Congestion Control percentages (on Always) to find what lowers Ping Under Load as much as possible so change, test, change, test etc.

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I have fooled with congestion control for months now. Same results no matter how I try it. With the ping under load being almost 200  is that the new normal? Thats a new one for me it was around 40-60. No worries. appreciate the tips. I'll see if I can get it working right. If not ive got my ISP router. Have a good night.

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7 hours ago, SUSxSPENSE said:

I have fooled with congestion control for months now. Same results no matter how I try it. With the ping under load being almost 200  is that the new normal? Thats a new one for me it was around 40-60. No worries. appreciate the tips. I'll see if I can get it working right. If not ive got my ISP router. Have a good night.

Given your bandwidth speeds, I'd suspect you'd need to get Congestion Control throttling quite low to ensure the R2 is in control of the network and have the CB results reflect that. Worth having a play with, if you have any other questions please do let us know.

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What settings you think would be cool to run with. That's why I had it so high was to give the R2 full control. Honestly have no clue. I watch tutorials and stuff of that nature because I am just learning tech things.

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35 minutes ago, SUSxSPENSE said:

What settings you think would be cool to run with. That's why I had it so high was to give the R2 full control. Honestly have no clue. I watch tutorials and stuff of that nature because I am just learning tech things.

It's hard to say really, we typically suggest people start out at around 70% down and up, but considering your speeds you may find better results in the 30-50 range. It really depends on your network I'm afraid, it's not something we can suggest an optimum setting for.

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The higher the internet speeds the lower the congestion control? Am I better off to drop my internet speeds? With the 400 down and 25 up I was still getting the same speeds as I do with the speeds I have now.  I am once again as of today getting the RPC error when resyncing the cloud. This is the 2nd R2 I have had issues with Both started this 3-4 months after I started using. It has taken 30 minutes just to use geo-filter today. This was the message 5 minutes after resyncing cloud. Then after the 4th try I once again got the RPC error. Notice the polygon on yet using the location circle. I have never set my location to where it is at now. I don't see this as user error




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The higher the internet speeds, the more you may need to cap it in Congestion Control to ensure you're moving the network queue to your R2.

With regards to the error you're receiving, could you please remove your device from Geo-filter, resync the cloud again, then re-add it. If you're playing on Console, select 'choose manually' when adding it to Geo-filter.

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Sometimes. Sometimes it just sits there and says this  rapp is not loaded yet. I get that message alot. Even in the middle of a game I'll look over and it says that exact message. Since the reset I can no longer be host of the party it will not find game. If someone else host it's fine except i get 90-100 ping. Yes auto ping host is enabled. Tried it both ways same results. When  is the next update? I'm willing to try that until then I'm going back to my ISP generic router. My ping stays 70 or below. 

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What game are you trying to play/Geo-Filter exactly? I'd suggest trying to reupgrade to the firmware as it may have got corrupted somehow as we haven't seen anyone else with this issue. New firmware is being tested and so shouldn't be too much longer.

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