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xr300 geofilter not working

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Recently bought a xr300 and while trying  to set it up for my ps5, no matter what I do I just can't get the geofilter to work.

I live in India and my friends are in Canada and USA so I have locked EU servers so that we can all can play at bearable pings. But for some reason it always connects to Australian servers for me, I get 160-180ms ping but my friends from the west get around 300ms ping. I just want to lock the search to EU servers only. I have strict mode on and ping assist is set to 0.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Screenshot 2022-01-12 at 09.23.44.png

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Welcome to the forum!

What's happening in-game when you captured this screenshot? Based on the Geo-filter map, multiple connections have been blocked outside the radius.

Could you please try the following:

  • Remove device from Geo-filter 
  • Go to three-line menu in Geo-filter map and click 'Flush/Resync cloud'
  • Wait a couple of minutes
  • Re-add the console to Geo-filter and make sure you select "Choose manually" when prompted.

Try that and see if you're still getting the same issue.

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Hi Liam, thanks for looking into the matter. One thing I didn't mention in my earlier post is that I'm playing call of duty warzone.

At the time of capturing the screenshot, the game just found a lobby in Australia (looking from the geofilter map).

I tried the steps you mentioned but it's still the same, also I didn't find any manual option while adding my Playstation (it just added it straight away). The game always finds lobbies which are outside of the selected polygon. Sometimes in Singapore/South East Asia, Australia, South Korea, Japan.

What's interesting to note that I'm initially always connected to a server in UAE despite of it being blocked.

In the attached image below the game just found a lobby somewhere in SEA.

Screenshot 2022-01-12 at 17.50.21.png

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1 hour ago, theradioty said:

Hi Liam, thanks for looking into the matter. One thing I didn't mention in my earlier post is that I'm playing call of duty warzone.

At the time of capturing the screenshot, the game just found a lobby in Australia (looking from the geofilter map).

I tried the steps you mentioned but it's still the same, also I didn't find any manual option while adding my Playstation (it just added it straight away). The game always finds lobbies which are outside of the selected polygon. Sometimes in Singapore/South East Asia, Australia, South Korea, Japan.

What's interesting to note that I'm initially always connected to a server in UAE despite of it being blocked.

In the attached image below the game just found a lobby somewhere in SEA.

All of the icons appearing on the map show that a connection has been blocked, so you shouldn't be getting connected to anything.

Just to double check, are you always hosting and starting the search when you all play?

How is the Playstation connected to the XR300, via wired or wireless?

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8 minutes ago, theradioty said:

Yes, I'm the one hosting and starting the search all the time. 

There is a wired connection between the Playstation and the XR300.

Interesting, could you confirm which firmware version you're currently running on the XR?

Could you perhaps try disconnecting the Playstation, remove it from Geo-filter, delete the Playstation from Device Manager, then reconnect and re-add it?

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Try this:

  1. Quit the gamecompletely
  2. Hard turn off the console
  3. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  4. Resync/Flush cloud from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  5. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter
  6. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like
  7. Wait 2 minutes
  8. Boot up the console
  9. Boot up game

Then see if it works.

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