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GeoFilter ne fonctionne pas (GeoFilter Does not work)

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Je possede un Netgear XR300. Je ne l'avais pas utillisé depuis un moment. Je l'ai rebrancher depuis hier mais je n'arrive pas a faire fonctionner le GeoFilter, du moins sur COD Vanguard. Je n'ai pas essayer sur un autre jeux. 

J'ai reinitialisé le routeur, connecter ma console Xbox, activé le geofilter puis lancé Vanguard mais je me connecte la plupart du temps en dehors de la zone geographique que j'ai crée. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi cela ne fonctionne pas... 

J'ai eteint completement ma Xbox, supprimer du geofilter et du gestionnaire de peripherique. Allumé ma Xbox, ajouté au geofilter, selectionner ma zone geographique puis lancer Vanguard mais cela ne fonctionne pas non plus. 

Ping Assist sur 0ms.

J'ai remplacer le DHCP par - 200 et refait toute la manipulation mais ca ne change rien non plus... 

Merci pour votre aide! :)



I own a Netgear XR300. I haven't used it for a while. I reconnected it since yesterday but I cannot get the GeoFilter to work, at least on COD Vanguard. I did not try on another game.

I reset the router, connect my Xbox console, activate the geofilter and then launch Vanguard but most of the time I connect outside of the geographic zone I created. I don't understand why it doesn't work ...

I shut down my Xbox completely, remove it from the geofilter and from the device manager. Turn on my Xbox, add to the geofilter, select my geographic area and then launch Vanguard but that doesn't work either.

I replaced the DHCP by - 200 and redid all the manipulation but it doesn't change anything either ...

Ping Assist set to 0ms.

Thanks for your help! :)

I put my message in French if ever a solution is found and helped other people!


PS: Thanks to Google Trad ^^

Capture DumaOS.PNG

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Hello, welcome to the forum!

The Spanish server is not always available so that may be the trouble you're having but Try this:

  1. Quit the application/game/client completely
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Resync from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  4. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter with the manual option
  5. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like
  6. Wait 2 minutes
  7. Boot up application/game/client

Then see if it works.

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Thank you for your reply! I followed your procedure but it did not solve my problem. I then restarted my game 3 times and each game I find I am outside France, either UK or Germany.

I try to connect mainly to the French server (Paris) or at worst either to the Spanish server (Madrid) but I am rarely in Paris and most of the time in the UK or Germany ...

I also restarted my ISP's router after configuring the XR300 without success.

Thank you for your help.


In game:

Capture DumaOS 2.PNG


Starting game,, when the game ping all serveur all over the world:

Position Serveurs.PNG

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I play COD Vanguard. On the bottom screeshot, I took it while looking for a server when launching the game. But it never connected in the circle when I found a game ...

EDIT: When i launch private game, i am connected to French Server (Paris) each time with or wihtout geofilter. I think It's because is my better ping on this game. But on matchmaking 95% UK or Germany. 

When i put Geofilter to the USA, iam on UK server to ^^

EDIT 2: I did a test on Apex Legends to see because i can manually choose my server. I put the GeoFilter on the USA, the game can ping all the servers without problem and I can play on a Belgium server without problem. Is this normal?

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You're welcome! The two servers in the US, one will definitely be an authentication server - most likely the one on the West Coast but did you add the other one to your allow list? Just to double check you're actually in a game playing when you took this screenshot and you had a lowish ping indicating the UK server is the one you're playing on?

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I did not add any server in the authorization list. It's a microsoft server apparently.

Yes I was in the game when I took the screenshot. I have a good connection but I still want to play in France. My ping of 29-30ms displayed DumaOS on the UK server corresponds according to the game to a real ping of 45-50ms in the game ... I don't know why the pings are different?

When I am on the French server, my DumaOS ping is 19-20ms and in the game 27-35ms ... It's a little better and above all I think I have more chance of meeting French players.


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Thanks for that information, it does look like that server needs to be allowed but looks like it's bridging the connection between you and the UK server for some reason. Leave it with me, I'll pass it onto the team to test it and see if they can determine what is happening.

The difference between the Geo-Filter and in game ping is because the game includes processing delay in its ping calculation, this could be anywhere from 10-30ms higher than the Geo-Filter ping. If it's any higher than that then the server is under load and it's recommended you try to force a different server.

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9 minutes ago, Stewart said:

Bonjour je possède un xr1000 J’ai le Geoflitre 

qui ne marche pas pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plaît

Bonjour, bienvenue sur le forum !

Veuillez créer un nouveau sujet décrivant votre problème et nous pourrons vous aider.

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