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Port Forwarding vs Traffic Prioritization


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Port forwarding makes a device reachable from the internet.


When your router does NAT, it uses that to forward traffic to a specific client.


Traffic prioritization makes sure that traffic is forwarded first.

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Awesome and thank you so much for your reply.  So, sounds like both are important and useful. Was just a little confused since they used some of the same numbers (3074 for example). As far as port forwarding, only use whats recommended on Activision website……. Then use something along the lines of: 3074-3079 source / 1-65535 destination for prioritization (udp only)? This seems to be the popular setup. 

Also curious about adding the Asus AC86U router in the mix, but still utilizing the R2 for the Geo……. Is this a good setup….Modem-Asus-R2? I’d be utilizing the Asus for QOS/prioritization along with WiFi and the R2 solely for the Geo, if that’s possible?

I have Spectrum 400/20 cable, so not sure if it’s even needed? Not much traffic in the house, just my console and maybe a movie streaming off WiFi, using Netflix. 

Thanks again!

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Combining it with the Asus router will work just fine.


Just switch off QoS on your R2 and in the Asus router make sure it's setup in DMZ. I used my R1 like that for a good while.

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6 hours ago, Bert said:

Combining it with the Asus router will work just fine.


Just switch off QoS on your R2 and in the Asus router make sure it's setup in DMZ. I used my R1 like that for a good while.

Great, thank you! Any suggestions on the above ports, or is that a pretty good setup? I’m assuming I’ll know by watching how many packets are getting prioritized?

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It depends on how many consoles you have.


UDP 3074-3079 to 1-65535 will work.


3074 is normally for playstation and 3075 for xbox AFAIK. If you have multiple consoles you might have to add more like 3074-3076 or 3074-3079 like you suggest.


For reference I use UDP SRC 3074-3074 DST 30.000-45.000 since all the servers seem to operate in the 30.000 to 45.000 port range.  

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12 hours ago, Bert said:

It depends on how many consoles you have.


UDP 3074-3079 to 1-65535 will work.


3074 is normally for playstation and 3075 for xbox AFAIK. If you have multiple consoles you might have to add more like 3074-3076 or 3074-3079 like you suggest.


For reference I use UDP SRC 3074-3074 DST 30.000-45.000 since all the servers seem to operate in the 30.000 to 45.000 port range.  

Awesome, I just run XBox only but I’ve only seen 3074 come up, never 3075? I just thought if I did 3074-3079, it’d cover all bases……but the more I read, it makes sense to prioritize as little as possible……. So the more exact, the better?

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