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Two playstations in the same household issues??


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Hi Guys,

Me and my brother are both using a playstation 5 to play warzone etc, at first when the R2 was setup we had no issues recently we are having issues.

For example we struggle to connect to lobbys on warzone even though our NAT type is open.

We eventually managed to get into a lobby but in the party I can hear our friends but he cant and they cant hear him?

Can someone please help me troubleshoot this issue?

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  On 11/17/2021 at 1:15 PM, Kalido123 said:

Hi Guys,

Me and my brother are both using a playstation 5 to play warzone etc, at first when the R2 was setup we had no issues recently we are having issues.

For example we struggle to connect to lobbys on warzone even though our NAT type is open.

We eventually managed to get into a lobby but in the party I can hear our friends but he cant and they cant hear him?

Can someone please help me troubleshoot this issue?


Are you using Geo-filter? Do you still have these issues if you disable filtering mode? 

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So eventually I managed to get into a lobby but I did try to turn the Geo filter on and off it didnt work I had to reboot the Router, not ideal.

However we got into a lobby eventually after it kept trying then leaving then trying. 

Once we managed to get into a game I could hear my friend in the party but my brother couldn't and vice versa.

Any idea? any logs we can check ?

I am trying to defend this router but everyone is complaining that everything has got worse since the purchase.

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Demonware entry is absolutely fine. Are you just using UPnP to get an Open NAT or are you using Port Forwarding/DMZ? So the Geo-Filter is fully disabled - can you just take a screenshot of that page please? Is your friend on another platform or PS5 as well?

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So I have just now disabled QOS and Geo-Filter and rebooted, Trying to get into a game.

Not sure what is causing the issue but I could hear 2 players but I couldnt talk to the third person in the party.

I also couldn't get into a game with those settings on and if I disable those settings its pointless having the router.

Is there logs we can check?

No port forwarding or DMZ zone.
Friend is on a PS4


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The logs wouldn't capture anything like that unfortunately. What does the NAT Type say on the console network settings and what is it saying in game? What NAT type does your friend have? It may be that both consoles are fighting for the same ports so port forwarding may be needed.

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Type 2 on network settings and Open in game and that's the same for both PS5s? You said recently you started having issues, when did this occur, after a setting change, reboot etc?

Both consoles would usually want to use 3074 at the same time but only one seems to be using it so make a port forwarding rule for the other to use 3075, then reboot it and see if that helps

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