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QoS doesn't seem to work on the XR 500

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I'll keep this short, my PC is taking all the bandwidth (20Mbps), I wanted to watch a video on YT from my laptop and I tried by activating the QoS on the Netduma (with "share excess bandwidth" unchecked) and tried to assign 10Mbps for each device. Well, regardless, my PC is still taking 20Mbps and I can't use my connection on my laptop.

Also, when I set up the QoS and I run tests (connection benchmarks), no matter what my ping under load doesn't improve.



qos doesn't work.png


The 3rd and 2nd last tests were run with the same QoS settings as double check, all the others were run with different QoS settings (and nothing EVER) changed for the ping under load.

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You can't have 10Mbps for each device as you only have 20Mbps total, the numbers there are percentages. What settings do you have for Traffic Prioritization? Have you put your PC in the DMZ, added a Traffic Controller rule for the PC?

We're still improving the Benchmark results on the XR routers so you can take that with a pinch of salt, it's unlikely to be that bad in reality. 

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I haven't changed any traffic priorisation option so I still have the default ones, assuming there's any.

The ping under load is that bad, when anyone is using internet in my house you can immediately tell because the ping spikes to 300/400 and I get 10%+ packet loss

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Did this just happen out of the blue?

Have you suffered a power loss or have you rebooted your router. If you have not rebooted a quick look at the logs and date might show one.

sometimes a gremlin sneaks in and causes an issue. It’s a bit of a pain but sometimes a factory reset resolves any issues or at least creates a fresh start. 
You could also run PingPlotter just to double check but I think I would be tempted to reset and do a nice fresh setup.

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I'd disable Traffic Prioritization then, what about DMZ & Traffic Controller? When did it first occur? What is the modem/router the XR is connected to, are ALL devices connected to the XR?

Saturate your connection with streaming, downloads etc and try different Congestion Control percentages to find what works best while using this guide instead of Benchmark:


Definitely keep share excess enabled, you're likely to lag more with it disabled

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