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Port forward question.


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Can you port forward two devices my two Xbox with the same set of ports?

Say 1-65535.

The reason i ask this is i always used my Xbox in the DMZ but since a second Xbox has arrived in the house ive had to remove it because when one is in DMZ the other will have a moderate to strict Nat.

But UPNP has fixed this so both are open however ive noticed a significant hit in my gameplay hit reg on Destiny when i use this UPNP config.

So after i port forwarded my Xbox with 1-65535 ive noticed my gameplay/hit reg a reverted back to how it felt when in DMZ.

So that leaves the second Xbox all though with a open Nat but with horrible hit reg as my boy found out this evening in a Fortnite Tournament.

Or is it just a case of only one DMZ and or only one port forward?

Many thanks.

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You can't do that, in my opinion the best option would be to keep UPnP enabled, DMZ disabled, then on each Xbox settings make them use different ports, then port forward those specific ports on the router, one for each. That way they should both be open and you may retain that feel you had previously.

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Simply you cant use the same ports on two devices in one house hold.

The best way forward for ultimate connections on two devices would be to have two isp connections to the house hold?



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Ive forwarded the manually selected ports thank you for that.

If the only way is another isp connection and R2  its a small price to pay to see my son happy i cant have a better connection that him it would eat me up. 

Thank you for all your help Fraser.

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Has doing the suggestion not given you both an open NAT and given you that feeling back? You could also try disabling Traffic Prioritization as it then won't be prioritizing one console over the other

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