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Trouble with GeoFilter

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Currently located in the Northeast of the US, I am having trouble getting into any servers in the filters I create.  I have tried deleting the device. Flush the cloud. Restart my PS4. Restart the router.  Set the PS4 in the geofilter and turn it back on.  When I try to load a game it defaults back to my local servers.

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41 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

Hey, welcome to the forum!

Where abouts are you trying to force servers? Can you provide a screenshot of your entire Geo-Filter page please?

Thank you.


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I’ve tried with strict mode selected and it still places me in a local server. When I load into a game I see on the map the icon with the blocked server within the US pop up, and then my location icon with blocked peer pop up. Nothing pops up within the radius I’ve selected. I’ve tried moving it to different locations of known servers, but still no luck. 

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Try this and see if it works 

  1. Quit the game completely
  2. Remove device from the Geo-Filter
  3. Resync/flush the cloud from the Geo-Filter Map menu
  4. Re-add the device to the Geo-Filter
  5. Set up the Geo-Filter how you like - you will need to have strict mode on and Ping Assist set to 0
  6. Wait 2 minutes
  7. Boot up the game
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That was it.  The NAT set in the WAN settings, I had it on Open.  Thank you!!!

Why does it work on Secure and not Open?

Also, after a few tests of changing my location point, I found that I have to keep clicking apply on the WAN settings page to successfully filter to the radius' I am selecting.
If I do not click apply on the WAN settings page, my location defaults back to the last location that I successfully set the filter to.

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Not sure why exactly, it's a bug so hopefully we'll be able to get that ironed out - it works fine on the other XR routers so its 300 specific, glad to hear it's resolved!

What web browser are you using? You shouldn't need to apply anything when you've changed location

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That's what I usually do.  I get that message that it's taking longer than expected 2 times.  I just wait about 5 minutes, then refresh.  No, I do not have the geo filter pinned to the dashboard.  I make the changes on the Geo Filter setting tab.

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