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XR700 DumaOs 3.0

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Nothing to report at the moment but we are working on it - we believe we've fixed the Rapp not loading issues which we've been working on for awhile and which should be applicable to each platform.

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any update's for  the forgotten XR700 DumaOs 3.0 firmware ?

any thing? And don’t give me the run around answers like last time from July 29,2021

a lot of XR700 user are waiting not fair at all the XR500 and R2 gets firmware updates every day I mean come on really all we ask for to fix some of the issues on the XR700 all we ask is for a firmware update im just going to start posting on social media pictures of the support page whit comments every reply you have done 😠


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It's not forgotten, you may not like the answer but it doesn't mean I have another to give you at this time. Both those platforms haven't had an update for 7+ months so it's not just 700 users waiting. I understand you're annoyed and you can do that if you wish to but it won't speed up development, we're already working flat out on it, I also don't have any input on when an update goes out, all I do is relay the information I have.

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