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Factory Reset Not Working


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Unplugged Netduma r2, when I plugged Netduma r2 back in I went to dumaos ( as stated on the bottom of my device.  Entered in Admin/password - did not work.  Admin/my created password - did not work.  Entered my Created Username/password did not work. Entered created username /create password and still did not work.

I have not had a good experience since owning this device.  I am very frustrated that this is not working.  I unplugged the net duma because the OS was not conecting to the RAPPs I had on my dashboard.

Please assist

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Welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear this! 

One thing I'd suggest would be to make sure you're entering the default password (admin) in lower case, the 'a' at the beginning is not capitalised.

However, if this doesn't fix the problem, you may need to factory reset the R2 as there must be an issue with the login credentials configured during initial setup.

With regards to the issue of Rapps not loading, we've been working on this issue diligently and believe we'll be able to have this fixed in the next firmware, so if that's the issue you're experiencing that shouldn't be a problem for too much longer. Thanks for being so patient with it regardless though!

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Thank you for your reply.  could you provide the official way of doing a factory reset?  

I did the 30/30/30 techique I found in a different forum.


Thank you again.

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Don't do the 30-30-30 method as that can damage the router. The best way to do it is hold the reset button for 30 seconds, release, wait 2 minutes and then try accessing the interface to setup

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Go to WiFi settings, disable the WiFi radio, apply, reboot from the interface, wait 2 minutes then access, enable WiFi, apply, reboot from the interface, wait 2 minutes and see if WiFi appears and is joinable.

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