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router Connection Lost

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I recently bought my Netgear Nighthawk XR1000 and i use it with an ethernet cable (also with wifi, but mainly ethernet). I was adding a new device in the lan setup and clicked apply and then this screen happens with the message that im no longer connected to my router. I've closed the window and logged in again,  restarted the computer, turned the router off, and every time i connect to the dumaos it works for 30 seconds and then this screen pops automatically. Please what can i do?





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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. Try connecting to the LAN IP instead of routerlogin.net - by default it is and see whether it works then

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49 minutes ago, [email protected] said:

Hey @Netduma Fraser, thanks for replying. Fortunaty I woke up this morning and it was working. On a side note, I followed your instructions but that LAN IP ( my ISP modem address and not netdumas. Were you trying to make me connect to my ISP router or to netdumas? Thank you!

Glad to hear it! No it's another way of connecting to the XR but as your modem has that IP address the XR would have changed its own IP to to prevent a conflict so you can access it like that if you want to in future

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