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Can you use GeoFilter with ethernet?

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I tried to change my region to Brazil (Im located in NA) to test the dumaos geofiltering feature in apex (it tells you ur automatic server when you log in). With a wired connection, my desktop ignored the geofilter location, with a wireless connection, it did infact the brazil server, is there anyway for this to work via ethernet? My ethernet is connected to the modem directly, not the router, could that be a reason as to why?

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21 hours ago, pkayyy said:

I tried to change my region to Brazil (Im located in NA) to test the dumaos geofiltering feature in apex (it tells you ur automatic server when you log in). With a wired connection, my desktop ignored the geofilter location, with a wireless connection, it did infact the brazil server, is there anyway for this to work via ethernet? My ethernet is connected to the modem directly, not the router, could that be a reason as to why?

Yes exaclty, so you'll need to connect the ethernet cable to one of the yellow LAN ports on the XR1000 instead of the modem.

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