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My wifi not working

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. Have you set up the router before or is this your first time? 

While connected to the router via ethernet open command prompt and type ipconfig and press enter, then post the results here please.

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Set a static IP on the PC itself that is connected via ethernet to the router using this information and this guide (control panel) https://pureinfotech.com/set-static-ip-address-windows-10/
then see if you can access the interface please. 

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You don't need the Google DNS there, this is purely to allow you to try and access the interface so remove that, also on the ethernet adapter properties untick IPv6 and save, then see if you can access the interface

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Use the IP address, instead of DumaOS please. 

If that doesn't work remove the static IP, hold the reset button for 30 seconds, release, wait 2 minutes then try connecting to the interface please

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I am just focusing on getting you access to the router interface at the moment - not the internet - because you factory reset it you would need to complete the Setup Wizard on the interface before you can get internet. Can you achieve access to in your web browser? If not please provide a screenshot of the whole screen. We don't allow people to come to the office, if needed we would follow our normal returns process.

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