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Netgear XR500 device not found

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Afternoon guys.


Ive just started using the latest beta firmware again in hope the little issue i was having would disappear but it hasnt when i click on QOS settings iam getting device not found, so ive done two factory resets and also gone back to the original FW then tried again with the beta  .120 but still get the same issue, is there anything else i can do or is it a case of go back to 114 and just wait for a full release  thanks. 


EDIT rolled back to V2.3.2.114 then done a factory reset and set back up still having the same issue

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Sorry to hear this, what browser are you using to access the interface? Could you try from an incognito window/clear cache?

Do you have any browser extensions enabled such as an adblocker? If so, could you please disable these temporarily and see if that helps?

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Hi Liam, currently using google chrome cache cleared and no add blockers enabled, bit still get the same issue i can try safari browser later if that helps or if youve got anymore tricks i can try thanks.

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