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Ghost lobby destiny 2 is possible?


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10 hours ago, ghorman said:

Sì, ma non utilizzando le funzionalità di Netduma. Netduma non era un design originale per le lobby fantasma in primo luogo, era solo un bell'effetto collaterale. 

And how are ghost lobbies done?

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1 minuto fa, Newfie ha detto:

La soluzione migliore è provare YouTube o Reddit o qualsiasi altra piattaforma. Ora dovresti essere in grado di utilizzare il filtro geografico per filtrare i server. 

So are you telling me that you don't need any new settings? Can I do it as easy as before?

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4 minutes ago, vSpeed said:

So are you telling me that you don't need any new settings? Can I do it as easy as before?

No, you can now or should be able to filter the server like many games ie COD. It’s how the routers software works and was designed to work.

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2 minutes ago, Newfie said:

No, ora puoi o dovresti essere in grado di filtrare il server come molti giochi, ad esempio COD. È così che funziona il software del router ed è stato progettato per funzionare.

So can ghost lobbies on destiny 2 still be done or not? And how do I filter the server?

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7 hours ago, Newfie said:

Nessun fantasma non può più essere fatto perché non era mai stata l'intenzione.


il link sopra ti aiuta a usare il filtro geografico e le sue funzioni.

So can ghost lobbies on destiny 2 still be done by following the link you sent me?

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14 minutes ago, vSpeed said:

So can ghost lobbies on destiny 2 still be done by following the link you sent me?

No, that's the opposite of what he is saying. You can filter servers like other games, not match solo / get free wins

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2 minutes ago, Netduma Fraser said:

No, that's the opposite of what he is saying. You can filter servers like other games, not match solo / get free wins

So ghost lobbies can still be done or not?

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Ghost lobbies CANNOT be done using Netduma features anymore. 

I would suggest looking somewhere else if you want to learn how to do ghost lobbies. The geo-filter noob way of ghost lobbies is gone. 

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