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Can’t open r2 interface


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Hi, I have recently received my r2 around a week ago and everything was working great last weekend but a few days ago I couldn’t access the r2 interface and the DumaOS app isn’t working, they both say error or page can’t be reached, or authentication app needed, I try the default password and admin and never works. I have read that a few people have had this issue and after a few resets for 30 seconds it works but mine still isn’t working after multiple resets, and trying chrome, internet explorer or safari. Now the WiFi won’t even pick up as well when searching for r2. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Unplug the router for 10 minutes, then plug it back in, wait 2 minutes and then try to access it via ethernet. If that doesn't work then when connected via ethernet to the R2 open command prompt, type ipconfig press enter and post the results here please.

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I tried but nothing comes up on ipconfig, maybe cause I only have an old laptop on old windows as I normally use a Mac, I’m just going to send it back cause I didn’t have trouble like this with the r1 and haven’t got time to keep try to fix it and only had it for 9 days. Thank you though 

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You can of course do that if you wish to, I'm sure we can get it resolved though and will be happy to help if you change your mind. You have some time before they will respond as they won't be in office until Tuesday after the easter holiday.

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