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Can't hold an internet connection.


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Brand new user, so maybe this is normal, I am a full stack developer by trade. I have rebooted and factory restarted numerous times, it connects to the internet, and after about 5-10 minutes it looses connectivity. Using a wired connection, version 3.0.205. Been trying to setup geofiltering as well and it's been a nightmare of losing connection. I play on PC, have tried making it a Playstation type, resetting the cloud cache, just seems like nothing is working. 

what the system log shows when disconnecting:

Sat Mar 20 16:35:00 2021 kern.info kernel: [ 420.705998] ash (9942): drop_caches: 3 Sat Mar 20 16:35:00 2021 cron.err crond[1404]: USER root pid 9942 cmd echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches Sat Mar 20 16:34:38 2021 daemon.info hostapd: wlan1: STA da:f6:42:cd:f9:ed IEEE 802.11: deauthenticated due to inactivity (timer DEAUTH/REMOVE) Sat Mar 20 16:34:37 2021 daemon.info hostapd: wlan1: STA da:f6:42:cd:f9:ed IEEE 802.11: disassociated Sat Mar 20 16:34:37 2021 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan1: AP-STA-DISCONNECTED da:f6:42:cd:f9:ed Sat Mar 20 16:34:02 2021 daemon.err cli.lua[2974]: conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 0 flow entries have been deleted. Sat Mar 20 16:34:02 2021 daemon.err cli.lua[2974]: conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 0 flow entries have been deleted. Sat Mar 20 16:34:02 2021 daemon.err cli.lua[2974]: conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 0 flow entries have been deleted. Sat Mar 20 16:34:02 2021 daemon.err cli.lua[2974]: conntrack v1.4.5 (conntrack-tools): 0 flow entries have been deleted.

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Hey, welcome to the forum!

Sorry to hear you're having this issue. Is it disconnecting on ethernet devices as well as WiFi? 

Did you change any WiFi settings other than SSID and password?

What is your exact physical setup? What is the model of the modem/router the R2 is connected to?

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Thanks for the response. Been trying a lot of different things (maybe I'm over complicating it), so I will try to not overload. 

Everything seems to disconnect together, I reboot the router, then it works for like 5-10 minute then disconnects, it happens if I literally do nothing. I thought it was based on me changing 1000 settings to try to get geo-filtering working, but I tried an absolute basic setup and just waited, and it still disconnected (attached log of that disconnect). During that disconnect, I had just done a factory reset, kept the SSID the same, but changed the password. After it was done booting and the internet was working over ethernet, I did a reboot, the wifi doesn't seem to work unless you do 1 reboot. I connected my phone, and after about 5 minutes it lost connection on both wifi and ethernet. I changed zero settings, and zero attempts at geofiltering, just waited. Then I did a reboot and the internet connection turns right on and works for another 5-10 minutes. 

My physical setup is ting fiber internet using a Adtran 401G, wired into the R2 (supplied CAT6), wired to my PC. 


Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 user.info com.netdumasoftware.neighwatch: DHCP new lease allocated.
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 user.info com.netdumasoftware.neighwatch: DHCP new event.
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 user.info com.netdumasoftware.neighwatch: DHCP lease change.
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 user.info com.netdumasoftware.neighwatch: DHCP old event.
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 user.info com.netdumasoftware.neighwatch: DHCP lease change.
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 user.info com.netdumasoftware.neighwatch: DHCP old event.
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[2850]: DHCPACK(br-lan) 2c:54:91:ac:3c:4c XboxOne
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[2850]: DHCPREQUEST(br-lan) 2c:54:91:ac:3c:4c
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[2850]: read /etc/ethers - 0 addresses
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 daemon.info dnsmasq[2850]: read /tmp/hosts/dhcp.cfg01411c - 2 addresses
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 daemon.info dnsmasq[2850]: read /tmp/hosts/odhcpd - 2 addresses
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 daemon.info dnsmasq[2850]: read /etc/hosts - 4 addresses
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[2850]: DHCPOFFER(br-lan) 2c:54:91:ac:3c:4c
Sat Mar 20 18:01:03 2021 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[2850]: DHCPDISCOVER(br-lan) 2c:54:91:ac:3c:4c
Sat Mar 20 18:01:01 2021 daemon.err cli.lua[2889]: RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
Sat Mar 20 18:01:01 2021 user.info com.netdumasoftware.qos: applying qos for zone lan
Sat Mar 20 18:01:01 2021 daemon.err cli.lua[2889]: RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
Sat Mar 20 18:01:01 2021 user.info com.netdumasoftware.qos: applying qos for zone wan
Sat Mar 20 18:00:59 2021 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[2850]: DHCPNAK(br-lan) 2c:54:91:ac:3c:4c wrong network
Sat Mar 20 18:00:59 2021 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[2850]: DHCPREQUEST(br-lan) 2c:54:91:ac:3c:4c
Sat Mar 20 18:00:00 2021 kern.info kernel: [  230.541337] ash (7072): drop_caches: 3
Sat Mar 20 18:00:00 2021 cron.err crond[1404]: USER root pid 7072 cmd echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

This the log after the second drop 

Sat Mar 20 18:15:12 2021 daemon.info hostapd: wlan1: STA da:f6:42:cd:f9:ed IEEE 802.11: deauthenticated due to inactivity (timer DEAUTH/REMOVE)
Sat Mar 20 18:15:11 2021 daemon.info hostapd: wlan1: STA da:f6:42:cd:f9:ed IEEE 802.11: disassociated
Sat Mar 20 18:15:11 2021 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan1: AP-STA-DISCONNECTED da:f6:42:cd:f9:ed
Sat Mar 20 18:15:00 2021 kern.info kernel: [  455.669798] ash (11469): drop_caches: 3
Sat Mar 20 18:15:00 2021 cron.err crond[1403]: USER root pid 11469 cmd echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches


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Thanks for that information, could you replace the cable we provided with one of your own and see if you see the same issue please? 

I keep seeing the same Mac address mentioned, can you unplug your Xbox please, reboot/reset the router to get internet and see whether it disconnects again?

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It's been 20 minutes and I haven't lost connection, yet. The one thing in the log that looks promising is above you can see A_STA_DISCONNECTED, but no reconnect, in the log below you can see it actually reconnected, with the same MAC address, maybe something was actually hanging. 

Sat Mar 20 19:21:40 2021 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan1: AP-STA-CONNECTED da:f6:42:cd:f9:ed
Sat Mar 20 19:21:40 2021 daemon.notice hostapd: wlan0: AP-STA-DISCONNECTED da:f6:42:cd:f9:ed

Probably going to give it another 30 minutes or so, then possibly venture back into the geofilitering. Would you recommend just adding the device to the geo-filter, but not actually filtering to start, that way I can add friends(peers) and watch the servers as they populate. I'm playing warzone, just trying to get the best setting to start, been reading and watching, and some conflicting styles for sure. 

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Okay great start, let us know how it goes!

That's a good strategy, doing all the allowing of friends etc to start and seeing where the servers are/what their pings are etc so you know the ones you want to go for. Once you've done that, mark out the areas with the game completely off, wait a few minutes then boot it up and search.

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Hola buenas noches desde España, tengo el mismo problema, mis dispositivos se conectan a la red wifi al empezar con el router netduma R2, pero en cuestión de 5 a 10 minutos se desconectan , aparece el dispositivo como mi teléfono móvil como conectado pero sin acceso a internet , he probado bastantes cosas como resetearlo etc, el router reconoce los aparatos y les asigna ip pero no tiene conexión por wifi, en cambio por cable al ordenador por el que accedo a la administración de router netduma parece funcionar por cable, pero por wifi no funciona

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As I continued saying, neither the mobile, tablet nor PC was connected to me, at first it was connected and then it was disconnected, until I changed the cable supplied by netduma for a cat 7 

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