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R2 lan speeds


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Hi just a quick question.Before the R2 update to 3.0.205 the internal lan speed i had was higher than it is after update.Now it is some how capped at a certain low speed.Is there any settings that i can check?All the computers are in lan have the same settings as before update and the settings i use in R2 are the same as before(the only thing i use is qos to always setting and nothing else).So is there anything i am missing?

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Nothing special just file copying through lan from one pc to another.If i can remember well the speed was close to 50 to 60 MB/s and now i see speeds around 4 to 5 MB/s tops.Any suggestions?


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i made some more test and i believe is something with the powerlines i use to connect pcs in other rooms.My apologies for your time spent because i should have done first every check i could and then contact you.Thanks again.(for the record i had update powerlines a little before i update netdumaR2 so i missed the sudden drop in speed).

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